Once in a canyon, there were two armies battling it out for control of the area known as the "swamp". There is no clear victor, but you may end all that. Name: SWAMP Creator: Bartoge Gametypes: - Team Slayer - Multi Flag - Assualt - Territories Description: There are 3 main parts to this map: the bases, the middle, and the swamp. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. In order to win you must conrtol at least two of the sections. Bases: Weapons- - Battle Rifle X2 - Shotgun X2 - SMG X2 - Sniper Rifle X2 - Needler X1 - Fuel Rod Gun X1 Vehicles- - Mongoose X4 Layout- There are two parts, the top and the armory. The armory contains the battle rifles, shotguns, SMGs, and fuel rod guns. There are 3 exits to the armory. Two back and one front. The two back exits lead to the mongooses, while the front leads to the swamp. It is blocked by a wall making you crouch to get to the swamp (used to prevent spawn sniping). The top has the sniper rifle and the needler. There are many barriers (to protect from being sniped) and 4 exits. You can go down one of 2 holes to the armory or go down one of two bridges to the middle. Middle: Weapons- - Spartan Laser X1 Layout- This is the most dangerous place to be on the account of there being no barriers and people may easily snipe you. You may however go to the swamp section at any time by just dropping down. This is a good spot for sneaking up on people in the swamp as you can easily go around them. Swamp: Weapons- - Battle Rifle X4 - Brute Shot X2 Other- Invisability X1 Layout- The swamp is actually a hallway of barriers with shield doors covering them.No one can attack you from above so you are safe there but people can snipe or shotgun you. There are also 4 other ways leading to the two tunnels beside it. Those tunnels contain the brute shots and are good for going around everyone. Tactics: - Try to control the middle and the swamp as you will easily be able to capture the flag - The mongooses are good for getting to the other side in a hurry, but you can be easily sniped - Always be sniping, if someone is always sniping then you have a good advantage - If you get a shotgun, try for the invisabitlity, good combination(although newby) and can lead to a early head start. - The flag spwan and return point are on two different levels so be sure to be on the right place or else you cant get it - Dont be afraid to jump when in the swamp, may save your life - Hide in the tunnels for protection, there is much cover but you have to jump a certain way to get in - Lastly, DONT DIE, dieing is what loses the game for you, so dont do to much of it PICTURES: here is an overview of the map This is the swamp This is the base This is the armory Download HERE Hope you liked it ENJOY
yeah, i agree with everyone that says anything about the pics not working.... and that you have 24 hours before they shut this thread down.
I think the map's construction is good, but it doesn't remind me much of a swamp. Maybe some gameplay pictures would help? Just an idea. EDIT: Oh, it's an area in a canyon called the swamp. Still, the water is the only thing that would make me think it is a swamp.
looks ok is there supposed to be another wall tho? i cant tell becuase if there isn't then it would be very easy to get out of the map. But the parts you did well/the swamp turned out pretty good, it reminds me more of the sewers but w/e lol
It looks like you could simply walk out the map; however the it also looks like you could walk right back in :/ The swamp is a awesome idea for a map and looks like you forged it nicely. Keep up the good work!
armories can mess up gameplay but not always.. the map looks pretty well built except you can escape by walking off the side as far as i canm see. :'(
I've tested it out and you cant get out. There are doors and window panels blocking the way. But as always with my maps, some guy will find the smallest hole to get out of, but right now I cant see how. And you wont have much time to get out and then your stuck, and useless to the team.
looks pretty good maybe you could neaten things up a bit and if a team controls both ends of th swamp (both armories) they'ed be able to camp and dominate that whole section of the map a suggesgtion could be make it so that the armouries and the swamp are seperated by something but i may be wrong ill check it out
this map is good, but maybe close in the sides and is great for infection, zombie with high grav also