Forklift 400/450/500/600

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Hypnotoad, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Hypnotoad

    Hypnotoad Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forklift 400
    Forklift 450
    Forklift 500
    Forklift 600

    I know this is an unusual thing to do, but this thread is for four different maps because they're all different versions of the same basic map, so separate threads would just be spam. If you're wondering about the name, it's because I couldn't think of a good name, and then I realized that I had put decorative forklifts everywhere, so I just stuck with that theme.

    All four circuits have the same basic elements in common even though the actual tracks are very different. In each one, most of the outside ring is left intact for fast racing, with a detour on the back straight into the hallways and across the center bridge above the starting area. They are also all designed to prevent cheating, with no need for honor rules to keep people from taking shortcuts. Finally, there are no gimmicks like bouncing soccer balls or falling fusion cores (cool as they are), because I wanted these tracks to be more like actual racetracks rather than obstacle courses. My favorite racing map is definitely Glimflicker's Bungie 500, and these tracks are similarly designed with teleporters inside a scoring zone that you can only drive through once per lap If you leave your Mongoose and try to jump through the zone on foot, you'll either be sent to a fusion core death box similar to the one in Bungie 500, or to a floating crate outside the level where your only option is to mancannon yourself through the kill barrier and watch your body fly off into oblivion (or land on the Pelican platform).

    The VIP gametype that goes with Bungie 500 works fine with these tracks as well, or if you want you can grab the variant I've been using from my file share, which I think is basically the same thing but with a shorter suicide penalty (but still a lap penalty). Edit: No more room in my file share, so just use the Bungie 500 gametype or make your own.

    So here are the tracks:

    Forklift 400
    Whoever the previous inhabitants of this facility were, they loved their forklifts.

    This is the first track that I made, and it's by far the simplest. The track ducks into the hallway on the back straight and goes across the center bridge, then pops back out on the outer ring and continues around to the finish. The challenge is low, but the open nature of this track makes for fast and entertaining races.

    Most of the screenshots here also apply for the other tracks. (Higher-res images here):
    Starting lane.
    Back hall entrance.
    Powerslide into bridge.
    Bridge over starting area, with decorative warthog in display case.
    Back hall exit.
    Ramp to finish line.
    Jumping finish on front straight.
    Suicide room for cheaters.
    Suicide Mancannon.

    Forklift 450
    I mean, why did they need so many forklifts anyway?

    The first half of this track is just like Forklift 400, but after the bridge it turns to the left instead of the right and heads to the upper level of the blue base. Inside the base, it spirals down (1 1/2 revolutions) and out the bottom door, then continues on normally to the finish.

    Spiral inside the blue base. The teleporter sends you back to the beginning and is there in case you and your Mongoose fall off the upper level into the middle.
    Exiting the spiral room.

    Forklift 500
    Okay seriously, what's up with all the forklifts?

    This is the granddaddy of the Forklift circuits, and it uses virtually the entire level. At the back hallway entrance, the track does a U-turn and heads to the back upper entrance of the red base, doubles back on itself inside the base before heading for the bridge in the center of the level, and then does the same thing in reverse on the other side. A good lap takes about 1:15. Maybe the pictures will make it easier to understand, but probably not, so why not go download it?

    Balcony entrance to the red base.
    Red base.
    Blue base.
    Balcony exit.

    Forklift 600
    Enough with the forklift theme already!

    Okay, so I thought I was going to stop with the third one, but then I was playing around in Forge and had some new ideas which eventually became this circuit. It's even more elaborate than 500, but still unbreakable, and still easy to figure out. At about a minute and a half per lap, this may be the longest circuit out there that doesn't require honor rules. The layout is way too complicated to describe, and this thread already has too many pictures, so I'll just let you download it if you want to see what it's like. I think it's a lot cooler and more interesting than Forklift 500, so if you like that one you should like this too.

    Hope you enjoy these, and please leave feedback.
  2. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Looks cool, but I gotta ask, Why the Forklift 400?
  3. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Great post, especially since you are new! You make it much easier.

    I have this map queued, looks awesome, will get back to you tomorrow.

    @Billy-read the description.
  4. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Wierd name but looks Awesome.
  5. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Haha, wow that's obvious and in your face. I feel embarrassed that i missed that :squirrel_eyebrow:
  6. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Lol, the first thing I read was the explaination of why he called it that. When I saw that you were like why would you call it that, I was like "How?!? It's in the first line!" But I guess most people look at the bulk of the description because that is where it describes the map. I kinda said it harshly, so I apologize (may not sound like it in text) rofl.
  7. Hypnotoad

    Hypnotoad Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400

    Hah, if I had seen that earlier and wanted to be a jerk, I could have responded with a very sarcastic, "Gee, do you think I could trouble you to read at least the very first sentence of my post before you ask me a question about it?" But I'm not that guy. (I'd like to use a smiley here to emphasize how this is all in good fun, but all I see are squirrels.)

    I went back into Forge this evening and started working on two longer variants of this track which I'm calling Forklift 450 and Forklift 500, so I'll update this topic with those in the next day or two. Forklift 500 will be really elaborate if I can finish and keep it unbreakable without running out of budget, though it remains to be seen if it will be any fun to actually race on. Edit: And now they're up.
  8. UNSC Barixn

    UNSC Barixn Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400/450/500

    XD @ the suicide room.

    Contemplating whether or not to blow up the fusion coils to get out = priceless.
  9. Hypnotoad

    Hypnotoad Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400/450/500

    I agree, and I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I got it from the Bungie 500 map by Glimflicker (which you should go download right now). It's an anti-cheating device that makes so much sense that in my opinion it should be a standard feature for all racing maps.
  10. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400/450/500

    3 versions now! I guess I will see what they are all like.
  11. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Re: Forklift 400/450/500

    This look neat, tidy, and spot on which I'd say is key for race maps. I'll be sure to check them all out when I get a chance. Nicely done.
  12. x zlilly21 x

    x zlilly21 x Ancient
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  13. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    nice job i guess
  14. BiG QwackER

    BiG QwackER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good for a new member post altough you could have the pictures a little bit bigger. Anyway, very nice!
  15. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so.. what do they just keep getting better as they progress up the numbers? what is your favorite?
  16. i_support_elites

    Senior Member

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    name is totaly random, but i love the tracks.

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