I made a map with constant granades that keep on moving until you either blow them up or two stick together Download Here Pictures up soon 5 mins taking them now! so please don't close EDIT: Pictures up Flying Nades Spawn
so its a system of man cannons and sheild doors that the keep the plasma grenade acitve and in motion for extended periods of time, awesome. I've been wanting to do something similar to this but use the fuel rod.
Very interesting concept. It'd be a good idea (just an idea) for you to make a video to reveal how the plasma grenades traveled accordingly. But, yes, extremely interesting and good work. I can't download because the Bungie.net isn't working... I'll definitely provide a download once it is fixed.
Suggestion: Do this on Avalanche. It is much prettier and you could use the main cannons. But otherwise, awesome.
That would be pretty cool... You could use the standard cannon mans there. Then, purchase cannon men in the forge menu... You'd see plasma grenades everywhere!
I'm going to make one on avalanche also you need to spawn in front of mancannon not cage or outside and don't move cursor, or granades will miss
The ones on Avalanche have a determined flight path, the grenade won't stray unless you throw it onto a placeable one.
it would be a great mini game if maybe you had like a closed in area and you had to throw them in through the mancannon or something? --->good work<---
I'm going to make a game where zombies are bouncing back and forth on the man cannons and you have to stick them by bouncing granades into the mancannons through a tiny hole so the zombies can't kill you
i like it but it would suprise me if it worked 100% of the time but still really good idea and ya avalanche would be cool so ya nice job
Yeah i've made maps before and I found it more fun when I set up the spawns so all you have to do is throw no setup required, and I also made a viewing cage for other team and peoples
i've seen this before, but on avalanche, i'll try to get the video so you can see it EDIT: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/8485-movie-lifetime.html Here it is, have a look, and nice job
he got that from another guy... theres a vid on youtube but he hasnt released the map yet. its called plasma grenade musical or something like that
This has already been done on avalanch and I saw the video at least a month ago so don't move your idea there. The one on foundry is decent though you should make a minigame to go with it. Maybe infection where the zombie starts in a box and throws grenades into the system. Humans dodge and when they die they join the zombie in the box. As time goes on there will be many grenades and one guy dodging them all... just a suggestion