Wow buddy somebody is a ****.. im new to forge club and i just wanted to see if this guy could make me a sig. i see everybody eles sigs and there cool. i just used his sig because it was thought full and i liked how hes used the words in it.also retared is not a kind way of calling people. Ur a loyal member i think people should relook at you, calling people retared and this is a website for being kind and sharring,wow your something.
Awww thanks =D I am something. By the way, I call it how I see it. Perhaps I may not have thought you were a retard if you actually read the FIRST post in the topic. If you cared enough to read what Weremidget said then why was it so hard to see what I said in the original post. Also, why did you not read the other comments at the end of the thread, in other words the most recent posts in the thread. Maybe then you would have realised that we are laughing at the people still asking for sigs. This thread is giving me much amusement and showing everybody that people can't even be bothered to read the original post or anyone else's posts before asking someone else to do hours of work for them, for nothing in return. Perhaps you should consider respecting the thread itself and actually read it, sure not all of it seeing the life span of the thread, but at least the first and last page? I would expect at least that, seeing how you were praising me so elegantly (sure, using someone else's words) in your first post. So really, is it me that is the ****, or you?
LAWL, Forge Club! lolololololololololol! But I do agree that he should have his purple stripped =P. Now excuse me while I try to recover from the headache you gave from reading that. EDIT: Beat me too it.
Wow, your works are amazing, I'd be honored to have one in my sig! Here's hoping you don't have to be a recogn- oh ****... err... now what? Epic... i think people have a tendency to see the word sig in a title and come running, the fact that he got all the format down impresses me, but since he didn't even bother to read the OP i dun reely caar...
Yeah I know right! Like I said in my first post replying to him, he copied Weremidget, from the front page. Word for word basically... lolololol
BTW rey except for the 2 dudes (which took me a while to notice) your new sig is probably my fave of yours, i don't know why, but i prefer ones that don't really have a point, or a focus, i like ones that are pure colour, with no intention of exhibiting anything...
Lol yeah, I kinda like the more subtle ones as well =] Btw, did you not notice the two guys faces? =P The guy on the right is biting the guy on the left's lip ring, sexy right? =P EDIT: I'd prob make you one Aspy, don't hold me to it though =P
Can I haz 1 with my maps and a haybushae laser sowrs that sayes Forge Club!? Ill gib you +++++++r3p! Why ar3 u purp1e?!?!2
Have you seen Boytown? Some one said they liked San Francisco a lot, but they don't know why, this is a closeted Gay character. You're in the same situation, no?
Wow are you guys rude like i said i used his because it was thought full and i enjoyed reading it.. and all im getting at is i was looking for a talented person to show or make me a thread. i just bought photoshop 6 elements and im still lerning how to use it. so im sorry for calling you a **** but you shouldnt be calling people retards. Also this is forge hub right? a place where you share and promote other peoples agiltys? wow you pair are sure somthing amazing about it.. Good For You!