"Z-Day," was hosted sometime back in March. It called on people to host an event within their community in which to show Zeitgeist to others they know. It tried to get everyone to see the film, and it was a good idea I guess to spread it. I'm sure they'll do another one or at least they'll do one for the other film they're coming out with in October sometime. And about the scary part. You are right. At least you didn't watch it alone, at 3 in the morning when you were a little younger. If you did, props to you.
I watched Zeitgeist a while back, it's definitely worth your time. Honestly, it's similar to some other stuff I saw back then, also. Loose Change was mentioned already. Also, there's a documentary called Why We Fight that is worth checking out, in the same vein but focusing on the "war on terror". I think this discussion has something in common with the discussion about net neutrality. This is the type of thing that is available only because it's not going through a corporate filter.
Yeah, definitely. If the internet was filtered, there's no way these kind of films or this kind of information would get spread. That's the beauty of the internet.
Lol I did watch it alone at night. I've been telling all my friends about it. I finally got one of them to watch it but he's so busy we can't debate about it.
This film is the very essence of why we need the internet screw net neutrality I just want something that specifically states they cannot favor sites that get more revenue or for any reason block anything on the net not this 'the government controls the interwebz' crap. didn't our forefathers tell us we should write our own laws? or something to that extent. That law writing should come now a quote I thought up myself while watching this movie 'Things cannot be done legally when the one who proposes what is legal is the very essence of what you are fighting.' -JD or java3script7
It's great to create another outlet for this film to be spread. Glad more have seen it. And I agree java, Zeitgeist shows you exactly why net neutrality can not happen. I doubt it ever will though, if it happens, it will be brief. We'd eventually get it repealed.
He didnt have Magical Powers, he performed Miracles. -_- Hear me out. The bible also says that there is many falses. Plus, Jesus and the Egyptions were around the same time. The Zeitgeist even says that early believers believe that the devil put them there. And so does the bible. -_- I have no reason to lie, Jesus is our savior, please understand. I would not lie. :'(
First of all, you used the bible as a source and didn't even answer my question. Can you prove that he preformed miracles, without using the bible as a source?
How can I do that? Thats like saying: Prove Gorge Washington was president without refrencing a history book, thats impossible. To this day Jesus's wisdom and words live on, its not about his miracles, its about his teachings. :'( I believe he is our savior, and to the very least, if he doesnt exist. Atleast he gives me hope that everything will be alright....
History books are credible, The bible (A translated story book written hundreds years ago) isn't very credible. That's why I said not to reference the bible. And I'll take it since you still have answered my question, that you can't prove it.
How can you say the bible is not credible, prove that its not. Alot of people seen the what happened on the days the christ walked the earth, and to this day, there has yet to be a written document that says: no no that never happened. If there is, prove it. If this was false, then along time ago people would have wrote down that it was false. And not just 1 book or tons of books. The bible has come along way, maybe because its credible... You call it a story, but why cant it be history?
WikiAnswers - Why isn't the Bible a credible source Why isn't the Bible a primary source? | The Rational Response Squad
First Line from the first link "No one can say that the bible is not a credible sourse" So this guy disagrees with you on his first line, and even if he does agree, he cant even spell source, so how is he credible himself? Quote from the second link "If the Bible had plenty of outside sources to support its miracles and events then it would be credible." The ones who witnessed jesus die, the romans who crucified him, the egyptions that witnessed him, the jewish people that remain apart of this earth. Even the Romans have records of Jesus's execution. P.S. Now you didnt answer my question, where are some written documents from the time the bible was written? Im sure the romans, egyptions, or anyone else during that time could of easily said, no that didnt happen, but there is no documents. BUT there is written records of the Romans executing Jesus...
i know this may not be completely necessary, but please note that it is spelt Egyptians, not Egyptions, it's just something that really bugged me whilst reading your arguments... as for the argument itself, i suggest you end it now before it turns into a flame war, i understand that there are devout Christians out there who believe in god and jesus and their teachings, i'm ok with that as long as they don't press them on me. And finally, the film, i believe that part one and part two are actually quite probable, i haven't looked into them, but general knowledge and common sense just prove all the 9/11 arguments as true, and the part about the bible was interesting, and everything seems to make sense... it's when you get into the part about the micro-chips and single economy that i get a bit iffy, i guess that we'll have to wait and see, if we go to war with Venezuela it's all true, and we're all screwed (to put it bluntly) and if we don't and there is an uprising against the major political and banking powers, well, i dunno what i'd do, i mean i'm on the other side of the world, i'd probably just read about it somewhere and chuckle to myself... (not to offend anyone)
That may very well have been the best thing I've watched in a long time. It was amazing, yet It makes me want to punch something at the same time.