Debate Batman

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Running Chron, Jun 29, 2008.

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  1. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    .Batman... super hero or simple vigilante? Batman doesn't really have any super powers, so what makes him a super hero? I have an opinion about this topic but I would like to hear what some of you think first.

    ps. remember to turn off your sigs please!
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Batman, well he's my hero.
    I do think that he... you make a good point, he doesnt really have any suer powers or different physical structure to regular humans other tahn his awesomeness. I do think vigilante but he's still a super hero to me.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Who says he can't be both? Certainly some people can see a vigilante as a hero. Are you suggesting that "real heroes" do what is lawful at all times?

    He is obviously a "good guy" in the sense of good vs. evil, but his motives and practices might be called into question. So perhaps the real question in this debate is: "do the ends justify the means?"
  4. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    He is in no way a super hero. What batman is is simply an emo-overachiever. His parents died so he wants to exact their revenge. Sure, he strives for physical and mental perfection and is pretty successful at it, but compared to other super heroes, he's lame. He figths a green lanturn, bam, a "will" spear straight through the chest... that equals one dead batman... He fights superman, well he does have some kryptonyte, but still, one blow to the face from super man, and batman's pushing up the metaphorical daisies. Simply put, batman is in no way super. Even compared to another "hero," iron man, he is simply lacking. The only "amazing" or "cool" thing about him is how he uses fear as a weapon.

    Now, I use super heroes as examples rather than super villains because superheroes set the superhero standard.
    Running Chron likes this.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Wait, what? The heck?

    Batman is a vigilante with no super powers. You could say that Iron Man is more of a super hero than Batman, though, because he's crazy smart. He invented a rocket suit, how kickass is that? Batman? Just some boring rich guy who has too much time on his hands.
    #5 Nemihara, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yes Batman is a super viginlante,with an array of awsome gadjets and cars.

    But he is a super hero mentally.Think of it,hes just an average joe (besides the excessevely large amount of money) that saves a city.In the minds of people I belive he is a hero because he shows that any one can be something even without super powers.
  7. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I think that he is a superhero. He may not have any powers, and is normal other than his suit and gadgets, but what he does his what makes him the superhero, because he does things to try and save Gotham even though he is normal, and is efforts have more impact than most superheroes
  8. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    You've got to give Batman some credit though, it's obvious that he realizes his shortcomings and brings Robin along to compensate.

    "You think I'm a lousy superhero? Well check out this guy, he doesn't even have on any pants."
  9. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    There is no right or wrong answer to this question in my opinion, one mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Batman is simply some rich guy that does everything in his power to help out the good of his city, not much unlike any modern day firefighter or police officer that risk there lives to save the likes of others on a day to day basis, these guys are hero's and that's what I would consider batman, a hero, a detective-vigilante, the kind like of the late Charles Bronson in death wish, they both make for great movies, and great characters.
    #9 Running Chron, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  10. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Batman is all about law and order, but those are established simply by him. He made his own moral code, and is going to keep it, personally, I think the joker is cooler than batman, because pure law doesn't appeal to me, chaos is fun.(And the joker is fricking awesome)
    "Simple Vigilante" isn't the way I would describe him, ever.
    He's a gadget powered superhero, just because he uses tools to get where he was doesn't make him not a superhero, it's the human way to do it.
    I actually like the gadget superheros, as it's not just some birthright, or whatever, they have to work to get this.
  11. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    I don't think I would call Batman a Super Hero, he doesnt have any super powers. -_- But I do call him a Hero. He protects the innocent, and serves a batfist full of justice to those who threat the innocent of Gothom City. o_o

    So to make this short, in no way is he super, but he is indeed a hero.

    There is one thing batman does that may or may not be considered "super". He puts fear into many criminals he faces. He doesnt even need a gun to have you weeping in the corner baging for mercy. You see his shadow or object like figure in the moon light or thunder and the villians like:

    O_O its the bat!
    O_O ...batman! whats he doing here!?
  12. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    If anyone remembers in Batman: Begins he was scarred of bats, because he fell down a well. that is the main reason why he is batman. Batman is a superhero because he can wear a utility belt and get away with it.(fashion wise)
  13. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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  14. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    I mind as well post my opinion.
    Batman is just a rich ass punk who has nothing better to do.....
    AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!
    #14 Projectt2501, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Batman's more of a hero than vigilante. I say this because he could have easily gone the Punisher route and actually killed the people he faces rather than his normal "defeat, Arkham, repeat" routine. You know he wants to, but in his mind he'll become what he's fighting. His ultimate goal is to bring order to an orderless city and operates above the law to uphold its values. Kind of hypocritical, but it seems to get the job done. He rides the line, and usually it's more enjoyable to read than Superman.

    And to defend his badass-ness; the man took down the entire JLA, which at the time included all of the major players: Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Superman to name a few. Granted, he ended up getting kicked out of the JLA for concocting all the means to disable these guys, but still; he was able to come up with ways to whip the asses of the most powerful heroes in the DC universe that their respective villains never thought of. That's the definition of badass, in my opinion.

    source: JLA: Tower of Babel
    LIGHTSOUT225 and Running Chron like this.
  16. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I would call him a super vigilante hero because he focuses on saving lives but spends all of his money on doing that.
  17. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    I think every angle of this debate has been represented well, thanks for the input, debate closed.
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