Today I started making a map for a Ghostbuster themed gametype. I decided to give the ghostbusters lazers, beam rifles, and sentinal beams. But because beam rifles and sentinal beams cannot be set as starting weapons, I decided to forge them onto the map in front of the ghostbuster spawnpoints (to make the ghostbusters different from the ghosts, I put the game on one sided VIP, so I could set VIP team traits). The problem is that when I start it up in custom games, the sentinal beams don't spawn. The beam rifles do, but not the sentinal beams don't. I have both them and the snipers set to ten second respawns with the runtime minimum at 8. Does anyone know why this happens or how to stop it?
Okay, I was gonna say that if they were ontop of boxes they could've fallen through. I'm baffled, what are all of their settings?
It's a glitch that WILL send you insane. This happens a lot with fuel rods cannons aswell. After about the third edit of the map, they don't seem to show up in customs for some strange reasons.
Try reselecting the gametype? It worked for me when I wanted to play slayer on guardian with fuel rod cannons and sentinel beams.
I gues that I'm lucky, I've never had any of these kind of glitches happen to me before. Other than game ending when I specifically hit new round. *rambles and curses underneath breathe*
I just tried the map on slayer, and it worked, but for some reason they won't spawn on one sided VIP.
what happens is that they only spawn if they have the room to spawn. try moving them to a different place then try it out.
The problem might be similar to that, I started by creating the gametype from scratch again, and it is now working perfectly.
Ya i had the same problem. It seems to be that once you edit the gametype more than once sentinal beams and fuel rod guns don't spawn. To test if this is the problem try using a default bungie made variant and see if they spwan.
I had FR cannons and sentinel beams dissapear on me. I thought it was some restriction that bungie had built in with the update because of some performance issues or something. One guy said it happens when you edit the gametype, can anyone tell me if that is true? This needs to be highlighted and stickied somewhere.