Hey everyone. This is my newest and first MLG map ever created by me. To be honest im not much into MLG but I wont say I will never play it. Redirect is a symectrical map and it has its high and low points. It has all the MLG standers (I hope) and well it has slayer, king of the hill, CTF, and oddball. It is a somewhat open map but there is plenty of cover. As im told it plays well and the concept is great. Enough of me talking here are some pictures. Overview 1: Overview 2: Defender side: Attacker side: Attacker spawn: Defender spawn: Sniper spawn: Rocket spawn: Mauler spawn: (in CTF the flag spawns on top of this) Back alley: Main alley: Now for some action shots: Overall I think this map is good for a first time MLG map maker. This took me about 5 hours to build. And another 20 minutes to do all the gametypes. Here is the Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is my file share if you want to use my MLG game types. (first 5 slots) Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share You dont have to use them they are just there.
Although I'm not a MLG fan I'll check this out. Looks well planned, I like the alleyways they give me good feelings.
well in this picture it looks a little sloppy but one quality I like about this map is that its not just a square reing of double boxes around foundry. Its nice to have a new feel for MLG. I think you pulled this map and its openess off good job heres the picture
Pretty clean forging, but for an MLG map there are a few problems. Not enought high points, to many movable objects ie road blocks, barrels (MLG maps have none). i guess thats it. oh, no it isnt. MLG doest use fusion coils. if you make an MLG map, at least make sure you know the things that are, and arent in MLG maps.
To be honest that one picture is the only so called sloppy part. Otherwise everything is interlocked. And like i said this is my first MLG map that i ever created and I have only looked at like 2 or 3 other MLG maps. I dont play it that much. oh and one of the few maps i have seen it was just as open or even more open then this one. And what i have heard quite a bit of mlg maps are open. so try it before you say something.
the only actual mlg maps are onslaught created by salot and nexn. and amplified created by fritzer( i spelt that wrong) and zak boo. if you want reference to what and MLG map should be, look at those. ( the forging techniques in amplified will blow your mind)
its got a nice touch though im not sure what it is the sniper would dominate on this map -- i like it though
Good map, simple interlocking but it was still done very neat i do think a few things could be changed, instead of focusing one the two walls, add a bigger base for each team, and make the middle another focal point if you are going to spend all the time to interlock everything, then go ahead and interlock the two bridge base
Ok i will look into making a better redirect v2 and having it what you guys want it somewhat to be. Better bases for each team, no moveable objects, no fusion coils, more levels, and not so open im guessing.
It's different from other MLG maps in the fact that the geometry is rectangular, rather having a circular geometry. It's good, and the interlocking is great, but it could be better. I suggest adding more bulk and more levels. 3.5/5
nice map man, the only thing is that the map is an overall bit plain map, so that makes it worse, for the rest everything just great.
Alright guys thanks for the comments and I will be planing on making v2 of this. And like I said this was my first ever MLG map created so I knew there was going to be something wronge with it.
looks a tad open for mlg but it still looks like a very good map.. the interlocking is noce and the base on the side totally brings back some memories of halo 2 sencuary.. the only thing i can see that i really dont like is the maller spawn.. you may want to update that its kinda icky lookin.
I know about the mauler spawn. and right now im working on redirect v2 were there will not be moveable objects, it wont be that open, wont be fusion coils, have more levels, and it will have all interlocking and nothing will look sloppy.
First off I'd like to say your map looks very neat and organized. You seem to have interlocking perfected. For MLG style maps, you should try merging all of your boxes into the ground, as it prevents grenades from slipping underneath them. Many of the MLG foundry maps used use that technique. SO if you're trying to make a true MLG map, I'd look into it. It looks like a great first attempt at an MLG style map. I do believe that the overall map needs some tweaking. Like a few people have stated before, your map seems to be lacking substantial cover. You have barriers placed here and there, but they aren't very effective at protecting a player from being shot at. I would recommend merging some walls or signs into the boxes you have to give players a little more cover here and there. The one major item I would fix is the clear visability from one base to the other. I would try to obscure that in some way so players are better able to defend each base. Other than missing some cover this map looks promising. Keep up the good work.