The map is called The GreatStairs, there are 2 bases on the map that are identical to each other. The only way to get to each base is to use the stairs the cross over the top of the map that take you to each base. There are rockets and an energy drainer at the top of the stairs and at each base there is a sniper rifle, BR, shotgun, etc... The best gametype for this is MULTI TEAM capture the flag. But any gametype will work for it. It took around 15+ hours to build this map by myself. This map is way fun and everyone I have played it with has loved it too. Please try out this map and leave me some feedback of what you think of it. Link to The GreatStairs
Downloading, looks like you spent some decent time on it, and it's incredibly annoying when people won't respond or try out your map, and on top of all that...i haven't seen anyone try making a giant staircase yet, so yep... seems cool. I'll post again after I play it.
I just got finished playing The GreatStairs with 9 of my friends and it was awesome! It is so hard to get the flag back to you base but it is way fun. Getting the rockets at the top of the stairs helps a lot. You can take out there whole team when you roll the energy drainer down the stairs and than shoot them with you rockets. We all had the best time. Im going to go back and play again!
It's very ingenuitive. No other comments ATM; I need to dl the map. Although the name is a bit aggravating to me. Maybe some mysterious and totally unrelated Mayan or Aztec name like Shibalba or something.
Looks like a good idea, however you may want to straighten up those stairs and boxes to make it look more professional. It is very easy to see in the screenshots. -Donuts
I like this design a lot. It especially reminds me of the MXC mini game where players must reach the top without getting hit by the incoming boulders. You might want to clean the map up though, such as straightening the stairs and making things like neat and tidy. Good work.
Ok thanks for the comments guys. I will straighten it up a bit. But have any of you played the map yet? Because I want to know what you think?