This was pretty fun to play. The floating base is really cool, and I love the one-sided air attack aspect to the gameplay. By the way, you need to publish the map to Bungie's forum, then link directly to that - not to your fileshare (guidelines here).
nice map, beautifuly forged one thing i changed on the map (when i play with my friends) is i put a sender node in the flag room that leads back to the end of the platforms and the carrier has to make it back to the middle, it plays alot better
Looks awesome, dude. The flag room is really innovative and is a great touch to the map. Seems like this will support some epic CTF. DL'ing.
I would say the new changes are supior to the old map and yes a very special thanks to Dragoncoals for not helping at all !
like ive said before avalanch maps are much differend from foundry maps, very nice interlocking. i like the way this map looks. good job , and great aesthetics/architectureyness 4/5
This has to be inspired by Stargate! You know that one with the city. The map is awesome and I'm looking forward to playing it sometime. Great interlocking and very clean layout. 5/5
this looks like the best avalanch map i have seen. it gives me the feel that it is actually in a hot steemy loccation instead of avalanch! great job!
Okay, I finally found my map amidst the heap of crap that Forgehub's newest members have been adding. Wow, thank you guys so much for all these comments.
OMG I farking love this map sooooo much. I played this with Skittles like the day he released it and LOVVED IT! Please make more of these.
Oh wow, this looks really good. Great job Skittlemeister0, and the portal looks freaking mesmerizing.
Well, just to get this back on the first page, I really need this to stay up and going :/ I am actually hoping it will get featured soon, since a friend of mine said it would be.
Naughty you, double posting, and admitting to bumping your own thread... tsk tsk tsk... the map itself looks good, one of the better avalanche maps, but the idea that the portal is insta-death seems kinda stupid, it looked like a really cool way to travel around...
BTW, Ivory, I changed that insance. It now leads you to the flag room. It basically is a capture the flag and instantly win. Read the post