The Lazy Mapmakers Contest Submission Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tex, Jun 17, 2008.

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  1. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    User Name(s) FH:xRedNormandyx GT:xRedNormandyx
    Map Name:
    Did you read the following instructions:yes
    Do you prefer not usind advanced forge techniques: Yes and no.
    The Yes Side:
    I takes much less time to make a map.
    The No Side:
    It looks cool, it fits together better, and you can't run out of cash.
    #21 Ja Red is Ninja, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Map: Warehouse, GameVariant: Ninjas Vs Jnauts

    User Name(s): DarkBlades (GT: DarkBlades25)

    Map Name:
    Game Variant: Ninjas & Jnauts

    (Jnauts is shorts for Juggernauts)

    Did you read and follow instructions:

    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Although I don't know many "advanced" forge techniques, I do believe that forgers should be able to be as creative as possible even if it means, going out of Bungie's restriction box that forge has. If a forged map is fun, its a success. Glitch or Not. BUT I, and many other forgers like being challenged to use what Bungie first had to offer. With my Map, I demonstrated this.

    Last Thoughts:
    I wish I had a team to work this map out a little better then I have but at least I tried. And as for tweaking the map, once I gather a team, Ill look into it. :) Anyways, Hope you guys enjoy as much as I did designing and creating .
  3. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    User Name: Vorpal Saint (GT: Vorpal Saint)
    Map Name: Ragnarok
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Only sometimes, like in the case where if I did use them they would make the map flow better.
  4. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
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    Username: AllseeingEntity and MLGLR playahater
    Map Name: Sovereignty
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Not realy, for with them, you can get those abstract shapes that are usually found in nature, or art.

    Note: Works for team slayer, CTF, One flag, And the Conquest Variant. Will include more in V2 update. BTW, when playing any standard variants, put on br start.(optional)
    #24 AllseeingEntity, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
    Tex likes this.
  5. a gu1tar her0

    a gu1tar her0 Ancient
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    User Name(s): A Gu1tar Her0
    Map Name:

    -Subconvex ForgeHub Thread
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: I prefer using advanced forge techniques because it make it look and play better.
    #25 a gu1tar her0, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  6. ZeeAk

    ZeeAk Ancient
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    User Name(s): ZeeAk; help from Who Da Camper.
    Map Name: Urban Foliage
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: As a fairly amateur Forger, I've never used the advanced/complicated Forgee techniques.

  7. FrongDong

    FrongDong Ancient
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    User Name(s): FH:FrongDong, GT:FrongDongChi412
    Map Name: Porticullus
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: I do when it is needed, but I rather not have to use interlocking. As for infinite money, I have never used it. If there was an ifinite object glitch though, I would definitely use it.
  8. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    User Name(s): Oberlin27
    Map Name: Abandon
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: I do now that they've been discovered. I made this map before they were commonplace, and think it turned out rather well for 1-flag CTF.

    Also, I DID post this in the competitive section, and surprisingly didn't get a whole ton of 'zomg no inturrlawk' responses.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    User Name(s): DimmestBread
    Map Name: Low ground
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: I prefer to only use them if I have to. I focus much more on gameplay than looks so I never use interlocking to make my map look good.
  10. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    User Name(s): GT streetsoccer12
    Map Name: Highway Heaven
    Game Variant: Multi Flags
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Yes, because it make's game play smooth and it make's the map look neat.

    I put the game variant because The warthogs on the map is only for display, but other than that the variant is regular multi flags.
  11. YourFriend ASD

    YourFriend ASD Ancient
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    User Name(s): FH: (YourFriend ASD)GT: (YourFriend ASD)
    Map Name: TOSS ACROSS
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes i followed the rules fine
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: no i like all the tecknechs but befor i discoverd them i did a prity good job without interlocking or geo-glitching.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    If you did not meant to double post, then delete your entry please. I would like this thread as clean as possible.
    MattDGiant likes this.
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    User Name(s): FH: Debo37 Bnet: Debo37 GT: Debo37
    Map Name: The Shaft
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes, but only because you made me.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No. But that makes this Q&A a double negative, which is bad. On a serious note, Forging was way easier without the advent of advanced techniques, but it has lost its ease of use for better quality, which is okay in my book.
  14. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    User Name(s): zTo SoXFaN25 (Map geometry), Kapura (Weapons and spawns)
    Map Name: Catastrophe
    Did you read and follow instructions: You betcha.
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Personally no, because things just look so much nicer interlocked. But geo glitching is a pain, and infinite money glitch just isn't worth it.
  15. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    User Name(s): Verno (GT: Redrooster77)
    Map Name: Annihilation
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: At the moment I honestly can’t say, because I haven’t really used much interlocking yet. I hope to enjoy interlocking however.
    #35 Verno, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  16. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
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    User Name(s): Ryan4516
    Map Name: Brawl
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No. I like using advanced techniques to get the perfect fit for that wall that is just to big or that box that wont fit. But I also use them to make the map look good, so they are ForgeHub worthy.
  17. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    User Name(s): Silent OO Death
    Map Name: Sniper's Square
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No
  18. thekidbd4

    thekidbd4 Ancient
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    User Name(s): TheKidBD4
    Map Name: Barricade
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Yes, it takes too long to do plus you get the same effect out of the map for gameplay. I dont really care what it looks like so much because it cant be perfect with forge. I use advanced techniques only to so my maps can get looked at.
  19. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    User Name: Redearth Adam
    Map Name: Mirage
    Did you read and follow instructions: Yes
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: No, because it makes so corners easier to stop. It would also made it easier for my maps asymetrical/symmetrical functions.
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Submission Are Now Closed!
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