So guys. I was just wonderin' what you guys think about the A-bomb. We won't judge you on what you vote, I'm just wondering if you guys are pro-choice or anti-choice (or pro-life and anti-life as the case may be). Answer as you wish. Pro-choice/anti-life = Abortion is nice Pro-life/anti-choice = No way abortion sucks
Abortion=Epic Phail. But is this topic necessary? When this was brought up in sex ed a couple years back some we had atleast half the class crying..
Yea, do some serious talk.. I believe if they want to have sex, they should be willing to have the baby. If they have an abortion, they should be aborting sex aswell.
HOW ABOUT...Its their choice, because #1 the fetus isn't self-aware until "w/e" age and 2. if they really, REALLY, want to have an abortion, how do you think their going to treat the kid?
Eh I just feel like if I got a girl pregnant I wouldn't want a go Pro-Choice O and I thought we were going to talk about appletinis
My god. I'm alone here.. But Sniper.. I ask you, What if your mom had an abortion... You wouldn't like that too much I dont think..
But what if a girl is raped and she gets pregnant? What about if the family cannot support the baby, and if they decided to have it anyway it could die? Sex is pretty rad, most people can't help themselves. I understand where you're coming from, but I disagree. You can have an appletini if I get to be Turk.
Not all sex happens because both partners want it. Ever heard of rape? IMO, I'm pro choice. Not because Im insensitive to the human soul or anything, merely because it isn't our place to tell others how to live, nor is it our place to determine whether or not a grouping of cells inside someones body has a soul or not. In the end, I think as long as it is before the baby has consciousness or awareness of its environment, or even so far back as a brain that could possible contain thought, then it really isn't a big deal, since there is no way for the baby to even possibly know its alive (it doesn't have the ability to think, its just a mass of tissue). And what if this baby is going to be destructive to the family? What if giving birth may cause the family to fall into financial trouble, or if it could possibly result in the death of the mother? There are way too many circumstances to this situation to really label it bad. @Orangeremi - what if statements are a poor argument.
Well, I feel it is murder.. Worse than murder. The saying: 'Is it better to have something and then lose it, or never have it?' Atleast let the kid be born. They do have orphanages if you don't want the child.. but thats killing someone. I see where all of you are coming from, but I'd like to see how you'd feel if you were aborted..
I wouldn't know would I? And...If she didn't, but wanted to, I would rather not exist than not have a caring mother And you can't comprehend nor speak for the non-existent
Orange, no offense to you or anything, but "what if" statements are weak in this sort of argument. I respect your opinion, but saying "what if you aborted John Lennon" or something is not a good idea. I agree Penguinish. I'm just afraid it might become a bit deserted.
This comment itself is fundamentally flawed. We wouldn't feel anything if we were aborted, so it really wouldn't matter. Its like murdering someone in a vegetative state. Technically they are already dead, but you can still kill them. Killing a fetus is killing something before it has a chance to live, so are you really killing it? The only way we could answer that is if we experienced a paradox by changing history, which is impossible.
I know.. I'm sorry but you guys are right. I just have a strong feeling about abortion. I think I have no chance though, so, Obviously I lost, but I still have my opinion. I'm done.
What if YOU were aborted Yavi, WE'D be a heckuva lot happier. ....sike! Just kiddin! Anyway you guys, ULTIMA brings up some very good points. Let's not get mad at him though. These opinions are usually based on geography, religious views, and experience.