So what if it isn't completely interlocked. I can't get interlocking down yet, and I don't mind playing a map that's fun. This takes the cake in the fun category. Let's face it- when your shooting, are you really looking at the scenery?
Yes, but If you want to shoot someone properly, you have to make sure that the floor is interlocked smoothly so you can walk and aim steadily without bumping around on some bad interlocking. At the same time, nobody is gonna want to play a map that looks badly, so youd have nothing to shoot at!
From what I see in v1, it doesn't look all that improved. It still is pretty sloppy, and has almost no interlocking. Sorry, but it simply doesn't.
you are still preaty slopy look at the first picture those walls need to be interlocked come on but its better so ya nice job