wow, it's that kind of talk that makes me hate...certain...things...that I need not mention or I will get infracted for racism...-_-
this girl is retarded, "if you got something to say to me then you just meet me outside my motha ****** trailer park and I'll beat your motha ******* ***."
Sounds like some retard redneck wanna be black *****. Someone needs to slap her around and remind her what colour she is and get her to pay attention in school. Yea I went there.
God, i've watched this thing three times now...I don't understand why...But I just find it disturbing/comical the way she talks...anyways, I bet she's getting some house calls from some black folks going, "WHO YOU CALLING A NIGGA?!" ... some people...
I agree. Lets stop making fun of her guys. She might come to our houses and pull our hair and scratch us.
lol, not to keep this thread going, but I just had to see if people responded to this chick...well, low and behold: like this one: sadfaic, the one i like is broken...but here is the link Lots of yelling, but ya: Oh, and lots of really bad acting... chick has gotten way too much attention for being so fearless...-_-
^ Thats loltastic. But she looks like a skank and a wigger. I remember what happened to a skank that look just like that only she was nota wigger, and she was fat. Went to Juevy, smoked, did a britney spears. And no one liked her at my Wow reading her comments, this guy did this in 5 comments.. and I sounded like a (insert nasty name here) Though it kinda what she deserves. this language is kinda not my type and like tex said... ..Well put!
she looks very young.... i think she was cryin' before as there is some wet makeup lines, still its funny how she wants to be ******. o **** i said that word......... ???????????????????????????????