They really dont, not when you build them into a map. Like lets say that you have 2 rooms with an opening. make the opening 2 dumpsters wide, use open boxes as the floor, then you use 2 custom powerups, 2 teleporters (to hold them instead of the slanted bridges), 2 man cannons, 2 fusion coils, and 1 grav lift. So it takes 11 items, thats not that bad... I am working on a new map that has one of these in the middle and an elevator on each side. So I will tell you how it turns out Oh and btw over 300 dls
Right now the most advanced door is pmp's pressurized door. However, his isn't relevantly useful in a map, but a great idea. This one would work in a game, but the amount of objects it uses and it's size are kind of inconvienient. 5/5, because this was the best when it was made!
zowambashi, an infection mapo is being made by me with my door, it is useful, but this one could be used instaed of infection, probably slayer/team slayer, so his is a little more useful, and a very good idea
Very, very neat and professional, I want to make a map on it. Forgehub really has some talented people.
Mines the same basis of this except mine can stay open as long as you want it 2 or stay closed as long as you want it 2 without having to stay on the custom powerup. But urs is alot nicer and goes up and down mine goes side to side.
that is the purpose of this one, it is supposed to replicate a door from campaign where it opens when you are near it/want it to
Hey i just made an up and down 1 thats like a gate when u pick up one custom powerup it opens and the other 1 makes it close. Its pretty small 2. Ill have it up next week. I'm on vacation so i dont have my xbox and its not on my fileshare yet
seems to be built very good, i like the idea also, but how can you tell when the door will go back up? because there are no other gravity lifts to blow up in order to close it off
It closes after 10 seconds. It is like the doors in campaign, then you get near them, they open, then it closes a little after you leave
Why not have the custom power ups RIGHT in front of the dumpster set to instantly respawn? that way it truly does sense you and it will immediately come back up. nice but i changed it, also, people think that if it is on instant respawn, it will come up and kill you. not so. that Master chief stops it XD guess the amour is that strong sometimes.
Wow this looks complicated. Great thinking! Have you seen the one I made? It's just a Custom Power Up through a wall, and when you pick it up, then grav lifts blows the dumpster through. I made it a while back.
Yea, Aranore, you can do whatever you want to it, this is just showing how it works Switches can be bent and tweaked however you want oh and btw over 450 dls, thnx guys
This is a very clever switch. It's very hard to recreate, as I found out, but the concept is fantastic. *Thumbs up* ~Katanga