These screenshots are from Shock Theta's lobby in the tenth TGIF. It was great fun even though people were leaving, I would definitely do it again. The people that participated were: Kagemusha Xx Roche178 DRiSCOLL14 gone comando Tom D Harding Cylon 118 HLG Viper Shock Theta People joined so if I left your name out than sorry, just tell me and I'll put your name in.
Hey... cool screenshots but I did already make a thread for TGIF 10 screenshots but nobody replied to it, heres the link if you want to have a look: LINK BTW Blaze, I'd say Curbstomp was probably the best map out of the ones that won the contest in my opinion.
You guys should've played a 5v5 team game on Interrobang instead of FFA. Interrobang's too linear-designed for FFA to work especially well.