I have a feelign a few of the maps I'm planning to make are going to use a LOT of boxes; is there any way I can extend the item limit for the number of boxes I can use? Similarly, can I violate the map item limit? Thanks for your help.
I'm pretty sure thats Impossible.But using the Foundry Unlimited Money Glitch Canvas allows you to exceed the budget which basiclaly menas you can create every object. Hope that helps!!
No. There is no way to do it normally. You can go over the total item limit with some careful usage of save changes, but not a single itme limit, like 24 double boxes. I'm not sure about using mods, but modded maps are prohibited on the forgehub forums, even though It would be really cool.
actually there is a way, it's just really hard. Infinite Items Hint? - High Impact Halo Forum and Fansite
I wish there was a more consistant way to use the Unlimited Items List. It is very hard. Thats why its not famous.
even when u use the money glitch and possibly the item limit glitch, after creating so many items, every time u attempt to create an item, it will tell u "cannot create item, too many on map". i know because it happened to me, and it pissed me off so bad because i only needed a few more weapons and respawn points [true]. this goes to show that no matter what, there will be a limit to forge- unfortunatly for example) even if u had $80 and 42 respawn points left available for use, if uve exceeded the level item limit, (it is impossible to tell when its going to happen unless your counting) it is impossible to create ANY items without deleting others.
Thats not true, at all. Though it can be annoying to do its very possible, I've done it a few times. When you get near the limit, keep saving. When you do get to the item before the limit, save and quit. Then you may need to save and quit more, it often doesnt work. You need the infinate budget glitch on, too. Remember, this is a glitch, its annoying (if you hit the limit once, you have to restart from your last save, and it often doesnt work. Also, if you use too much, your items start flashing and changing colors and freaking out, when that happens your screwed.
haha thanks that helps alot i guess funny though because i deleted my map when i didnt have enough room about a moth ago, it could have been great thanks, insane54