LOL that looks half fake and half real. A box of magnum condoms lol wow. and then he hands the guy a gun.. wow.. i hope this is fake.
Wow, that was good, and obviously fake, but that was rich...The part where he hands him a gun was a little over the top, but still good nonetheless
"Oh, he has handcuffs, thats kinky, baby" "You have the right to remain silent" "You have the right to remain sexy, baby" lolololllolol that was a good one...good ol' madtv..
I think the first one was better, but then again I hate madtv. Anyways they both kind of made me lol.
both had some of the same material but the "predator" in the MadTV version was over-the-top, playing it as stupid humor akin to "Meet the Spartans" for this reason I liked the first video much better.