Can anybody tell me whats in a Conquest map or anything specific on how to forge a conquest map?thanks
symmetrical, narrow-ish, small rooms. That's pretty much it. I dont see the obsession some people have with Conquest.
It is like a tug of war map, usually only 1 way from territory to territory, each team spawns only on the opposite side of the whole path, and usually an odd amount of territiorys
that's a pefect description. I'd like to know how many people really like Conquest, though. I dont see why its done so often, it involves no strategy and its too constant, there's no change in mood during Conquest.
Iron Tusk's Gide to a Conquest map The Over view Conquest is a fast pasted, Run n' gun Tug-o-war style of Territories that has 5 or 7 territories that takes place on a Linear symmetrical path. There are Three rounds each Three mins. with a 30 sec over time where all the territories lock but the one being Contested at the end of the Round. The weapon set for Conquest is Battle rifle, Assault rifle, SMG, Spiker, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Needler, Carbine, and Magnum as the bulk of the weapons. While the Sniper Rifle and Brute Shot are the power weapons of the map. With the sniper and Brute shot you have to give one to each team of you can have a Neutral Brute shot witch also works well. there are two sets of nades witch are used and they are Frag nad Spike. Spike nades are used more and Frag nades are usually Neutral or one set for each team at starting spawn. Some Conquest maps have a tele-box witch takes you to the other teams side so you can try and slow them down. Some maps have switches but the ones that do kinda take a way from the whole Conquest feel. Some also have a short meet up in the begging around the 2nd territory. _________ Weapons Spawns the spawns for the weapons are also very short. usually they are: sniper, Brute, and Needler-45 sec spawn nades - 30 sec spawn Dule wielded weapons 20-30 sec spawn and battle rifle/Carbine - 10-20 sec spawn _________ Custom Power Ups if you want to use a CPU V2 and V3 have diffrent settings for each. Not many Conquest maps have used the CPU so it being Neutral or one for each team can be done. V2 CPU settings 10 second duration 125% damage 50% leech with shield vampirism 75% gravity Forced color gold V3 CPU settings 10 second duration 75% damage invincibility (I think) 75% gravity Forced color gold _________ The Game Types Version 1 Version 2 Version 3
conquest is one of the most epic games types created <---opinion... But seriously it's a chess match, you capture the territories as you move through the map, you will usually meet up with your opponent at the center territory. So you fight back and forth to try to gain ground, and when time runs out whoever has the most territories wins. But unfortunately there are a lot of so called "conquest" map that have nothing to do with what the original idea of conquest is all about, "cough" go4er. Call it what you want, but it isn't conquest.
lol, poor G043r, his maps change everything though, it makes conquest a new conquest, like his circular one, that was cool, thats about his only "different" one, besides vehicle conquest, I don't see whats wrong with G043r's conquests, though he is... *whispers* obsessed
That happened a while ago, but we never made a big deal about it. It was just to tweak the custom powerup settings. Version 3 is the final one. Those are old. Newer, better Conquest maps are out. I know G043R made one called Harvest, but I don't know if it is released yet. But Wakko45 made one called Faction and Cosmic Rick made one called Vertkwest. You should definitely check those out. There's also a good one called Cabbage Patch by Predicide. And one by squidhands called something. Just do a thread search for them.
I do believe that Harvest is out, but the map by squidhands (concussion, i'm guessing) as far as i know, is not but i may be wrong.
Yeah, I've seen most of those thanks. Searched Conquest a while back. I was just wondering about those two because I'd not seen them. Figured they were either new, or REALLY old. And Harvest has been out for ages hasn't it? Unless he's made an updated version? Never mind, I'll search it instead of bugging you guys XD
... Chron I agreed with BT Conquest isn't fully conquest ... its a twist... using weapons and options usually not seen in conquest... Now on to more enjoyable topics... : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Harvest is a finished of the only ones... Installation 06 as Coyote talked about has a circle center ... again a twist ... I removed that link i think because I am doing an updated version on a new map..will be finished one day...
Alright this is where I must intervene... when I created conquest I made it for The Pit, seperating the map into 7 different sections with weapons that required skill to use. The point of conquest is to represent a standard overall "war", with the frontlines constantly pushing back and forth. No shortcuts, no "telerooms", no center hallway then center territory. To build a traditional Conquest map, you require 7 territories (this gives enough time for both teams to arm up). Each territory must be touching (when you leave your first territory you should immediately be in the next one) to resemble the fact that every part of the map matters. Each territory should be large enough to be captured with 4 players walking through it without stopping (or a minimal pause). The center territory should be the meeting place of the teams, not a center hallway into a seperate room with the territory (a good example of this is Reminisce, because the center territory is not the meeting place it splits up the team to where if they are focusing on the center territory the other team can bypass into the third territory... all battle points should be push and shove, no cutoff points that allow flanking). The weapon setup does not include the Needler, Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser, Sword, Hammer, or Shotgun (I may be missing a couple). Everything else is free game and can be used in proportions based on the overall power purpose of the map. It is suggested that neutral weapons not be offered in the center territory, and that all weapons be evenly dispersed between the teams and the territories. Weapons should be setup in a line to allow equipping on the go. And a big thing I heard was that version 2 & 3 were released without the lowered weapon damage... this disappoints me. In Conquest you are given a longer life so that you may train yourself on when to pull back and when to push forward. A player dieing from 1 sniper shot is a hindrance of great proportions and throws off the teams (turns instantly into a 3v4, and in conquest those are bad odds). The longer damage allows you to recover from mistakes (as in getting shot in the face with a sniper). Cuz if you instantly get eliminated then the other team has a massive advantage. Which brings me to my next point... Conquest was made as a team game. It was made to practice team tactics, not to be vanilla. Many will notice that one person can't do it on his own because of the lowered damage... this is another reason for lower damage... being a lone wolf will only get you killed. Friendly fire is also on to practice team tactics. Allow the front player to grab the brute shot for area of effect damage without hurting his teammates. Teams without good team tactics will fail at this gametype time and time again. I hope that someone makes a good traditional Conquest maps as the Cellars was. Or maybe I'll just take an old forging buddy and build a new one, cuz what I've seen of the recent Conquest maps disappoints me... Good luck Forgehub... maybe one day you guys will understand gaming theory and not just aesthetics, AZN FTW P.S. SO uh... Furious, what gives you the right to say that version 3 is the final version when you didn't even come up with version 1? You complete screwed up the gametype. I may come up with the real version 2 for custom power-up settings, just cuz your versions are disappointing and ruin the gametype. Furious you are still an amateur forger in my mind. Anyone in the community can make a really good aesthetic map now. It takes a real original guilder to come up with a new gametype that is fun and playable... as well as a well built map without camp spots, good weapon placement, good spawn placement, team balance, etc. You sir are not one... Oh and from what I've heard your last map was good... congrats, anyone can strike gold randomly.
All good things are allowed to evolve man, otherwise all good things would get stale. Small changes don't hurt things. I created a Conquest map (Echo) that adheres to most of your guidlines,but does deviate slightly from a few things. It's designed to run on your original Conquest gametype,but I am planning on updating it for version 2 and 3 because I believe that those versions are also good versions. Lightsout225 made a great map (10 paces and turn) that doesn't adhere to the traditional setup of Conquest,but it's a blast nonetheless. On a side note, I noticed that you haven't been active on this site for the past 3 months, so what gives you the right to all the sudden show up and downgrade the entire site? You may have created a gametype that a lot of people like, but that doesn't make you the balls. Furious is a great Forger and he makes great maps and gametypes that plenty of people enjoy so you're just going to have to accept that and try to be a little less full of yourself.
I'm fine with evolution... just most of the evolution detract from the regular gameplay. Telerooms are clever... however a Conquest game is a symmetrical push and shove... you should not be allowed to flank, it breaks up teams and takes away from the team focus. And Furious D counts Conquest as his own... he has granted no credit to the orignal creators of the gametype. Asper, Rusty, Titmar, Yavi, and myself... He had no help in creating the gametype. His actions are the exact same actions that would get a random blacklisted for thievery of an idea without credit. And I know none of you will argue with me on the facts. Atleast alot of the randoms contact the original creators to ask if they may modify for their own personal gain (or gain of the community). The way Furious has been acting is a disgrace. He says Forgehub was made for Maps... as do alot of the current Forgehub members. No... Forgehub was created for custom games... gameplay is everything. Aesthetics is only a bonus. I've been watching the Featured maps and ALOT of them disappoint me. Maybe some people should make a goal in forging on the original maps... cuz that's where real forging skill is involved. Interlocking takes no skill, only patience and following of simple tricks. Game theory is what takes skill... balance, weapon placement, spawn placement, control of the flow of battle, camp spot removal, etc... Anybody can take the time to make a map look good, only the best can make a map play good. I am not saying I'm amazing... but there is so many that modern day forgers do not understand. I'm glad I taught those that I did, or else all of those theories would be lost. I've been slowly influencing a few maps... and I will continue to do so. Just cause I have not been on here does not mean that I haven't shown up to help fellow forgers. AZN FTW