Grey Base

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hawk Champion, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Hawk Champion

    Hawk Champion Ancient
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    I present you my first serious map that I have made. It is not the best and I have more much better maps in the making. But here you got...

    Grey Base
    Only to be played with 1 flag CTF!

    Download link: Grey base
    Author: Hawk Champion
    Compatibility: One sided CTF
    Map Type: Asymmetrical
    Build: Version 3
    Sponsor: Mjolnir Battle Tactics Forging Division
    Recommended Players: 6-12 Even teams
    Recommended gametype:CTF,onesided, AR start, Round limit about 5 minutes

    Info: I always wanted to make a map where the Attackers shall storm this enormous fort (3). Rushing towards it while being gunned down by snipers, machine guns and everything. My goal with this map is to make people have to hide behind the cover that the map provides on the battlefield (1) and use it as an advantage to overtake the defending force and push them back through different key places until to their very last defence and the objective in the game... Their flag (12). After 3 minutes a special little friend (13) arrive to the attackers enjoyment. This treasure is however hidden in the field and need to be taken care of and put in the right place in the right time to achieve an easy victory. You only got one try per 180 sec.

    A bit about the weapons:This map got a spot for most people. There are a sniper tower (11) with a sniper for you that loves sniping, a Sword in the middle with some nice close encounter (6/7/8) in the basement or inside the base. There is a shotgun with its own little shotty tunnel (no pic). A low ammo rocket launcher for you that loves to blow things up. There is a turret (5) for the triggerhappy. Then there are loads of BR platforms (4/11) for you that just want to hang around with a good old Battle Rifle.

    (1) The Battlefield: There are some granades spread around here behind the cover. There are also a never respawning Beamrifle and Fuel rod to take out the turret. It is also here the little surprise spawns.

    (2) Shield doors for no spawn camping.

    (3) Overview of the base.

    (4) Me using a BR platform to defend the base. Very effective.

    (5) The turret defending the base. Hope the attackers wont use the Fuel rod against me...

    (6) The attackers have made it into the basement. Better use those dumpsters for cover.

    (7) The way up to the base from the basement (only entrance) Be sure to use that trip mine. Flag spawn vissible to the far left

    (8) Inside the base on the bottum floor.

    (9) YOU WILL NOT PASS! Stair to top level (flag level)

    (10) Top floor. Some more BR platforms + the sniper tower in the double bos.

    (11) Inside Sniper tower

    (12) Flag spawn. (The A signs have been more beautiful placed in the new V this is a pic from V2)

    (13) He found the secret!

    #1 Hawk Champion, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  2. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    srry man, looks a bit plain, not the best map, but I must say that's it's not the worst either.
  3. LinkFox101113

    LinkFox101113 Ancient
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    Looks good but I think I would be better with Assault instead of CTF (I haven't played it though so I can't say for certain). I'll download later because my download queue is full.

    My only concern is that the defense may be too powerful...
  4. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    it looks very very very hard to get in to the base unless he is invincible which is really really stupid and also i agree you need to add some cover one for the person cause sheild walls are boring and two they are all in the same space not very wise and also it will not make it look as boring, also add a game type maybe have two like CTF and Assult
    #4 sexy dude, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  5. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    looks decent. spawn killing could be an issue though.
  6. keroro44

    keroro44 Ancient
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    its a bit plain on the side with the shield doors and in the middle it looks like the people in the base could just mow people down. Especially in the BR tower other than that i like the base a lot. 3/5
    whitelime likes this.
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well the first pic made me think oh no another open map but when it got to the third then i went wow didnt see that one coming.
    so good job
  8. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    this map seems really open and doesn't look the cleanest either. you had some nice merging though
  9. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    the first thing I thought was that it will be a little too hard for the attackers, maybe you should make it bomb instead, but put the bomb right where it has to be planted so thay don't have to carry it all the way there.
  10. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    I realize this is your first serious map but you have a pretty good idea going the only problem is the map is quite plain and a bit messy. For example-look at picture 9. the stairs are higher than the top level.
  11. Glitchditch

    Glitchditch Ancient
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    personally this map looks very poorly forged, i understand that it is you first map but you might want to redo it and put more thought into the design and allow more spawns for the attackers
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    There doesn't seem to be any interlocking and as stated previously, it's quite messy. Also once the attackers leave the spawn area, I can imagine that more bullets than in a map with only machine gun turrets will fly towards you. It's a good concept, but it's stacked towards the defenders.
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very good post. you have followed all of the rules and standereds with more then enough info.. the map... not so much but is very well for i first map.. trust me youll get better just go to forging 101 on here and learn all the ways to do things and practice practice practice.

    btw welcome to forge hub.
  14. RANDY M47

    RANDY M47 Ancient
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    cool i wil download it,but i saw in the pictures it needs some interlocking
  15. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    As others have said, it seems messy.
    I don't know how well it would play even if you remade it. It could be good, haven't tried it.
    One thing though, did you sign in a guest for the pics, because whenever one is moving, the other is still.

    Off Topic a bit: Forging 101
    Go there if you don't know a lot of the forging tricks you can use.
  16. Hawk Champion

    Hawk Champion Ancient
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    Yes, I used a guest. And for the machine gun it is easy taken out by fuel rod gun and will never respawn again. And the attackers is almost secured a win if they place the Grav lift in the right place on the right time.
    #16 Hawk Champion, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  17. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    looks way too easy to defend. there should be more than one way into the base, otherwise someone will just camp there and grenade people coming up. 6/10
  18. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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  19. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Your map is not good, but it's not bad either. The idea of one base being plain, and frankly kinda messy, and the other being just shield walls, isn't great at all. But you tried, and if you interlocked, straightened, and add more to it, it'll be good. 2.5/5
  20. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I like the over-hanging patio things in the front of the base. I belive this has a really nice layout, but I think you rushed this project and you could of made it a lot neater. It also looks a little un-even and might not play well because of the sniper tower and up hill advantage.


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