Dissolution v2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Norlinsky, Jun 29, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

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  2. OK

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  3. Average

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  4. Good

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  5. Great

    5 vote(s)
  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest



    A medium-sized map, it is best used for team games. Recommended six to ten players


    Before the UNSC adopted it as a whorehouse, a young entrepreneur named william wonker bought the warehouse and used to to create his lifelong dream: a chocolate factory. unfortunately, he could only afford a low-budget staff and a cheap chocolate substitute. His slogan was catchy, though, saying, "You'll love to lick my brown stuff!" lol. anyway, after a budget cut, william laid off all of his emplyees and hired grunts as slaves. The conditions on the factory became slum, and soon compalints were filed to homeland security and the fda. a special s.w.a.t. team was sent in to clear the factory and bring william into custody. this was acheived, and justice was served facing few casualties. some say you can still hear william's ghost saying, "another grunt fell into the vat. Get a stick!". Not really

    link to map: Clik me plz

    Now, for the part most of you skipped down the thread to: overviews


    Action Shots


    And that's the map. It has been tested and inescapable. I have fixed the weapon layout, so no one team has any advantage. special thanks to cory for helping with ideas, and the testing of this map.​
    #1 Norlinsky, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2008
  2. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    omg this is the best map ever! ive played this sooo many times. I love playing this anytime of the day. I remember playing it yesterday, and couldnt stop. i like your new weapon placement. much better than before. 5/5
    1 person likes this.
  3. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I don't really like the backstory to this, it's a little different.
    The map looks good though, I wasn't expecting much outa this. Dunno why.
    Good interlocking 'n such here, I'll download it, but it probably won't stay on my list. Sorry.

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but it just seems like your trying to make his map seem better than it is, don't get me wrong, it's good, but not "The Best."
  4. Cory2992

    Cory2992 Ancient
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    love the map this is must download but i already have it lol
  5. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Cool map
    it reminds me of the one matty made for the contest winners, i cant think of the name but this looks very good, you and your buddy are very good forgers
  6. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    lolz nice back story and it looks great too
    btw i dont see a chocolate factory
    and could you add some captions
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i think personally from the pictures that some of the area is very open and that it will be all fighting and and no capturing the flag
  8. GridNaux

    GridNaux Ancient
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    looks like a decent-to-good map.
    The Real KingLS2 likes this.
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well that's just from the pictures. The CTF game went better than I expected, and I was happy about the outcome. The game lasted about 3 minutes, so there was a lot of fighting, but why would there be a Halo game without fighting?
  10. Brainal

    Brainal Ancient
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    Gee Whiz! This be a stellar map. I say I must download and do about 3 barrel rolls
  11. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, i like the curved walls+boxes, looks like you've put some time into this. you got my download
    1 person likes this.
  12. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I loved v1 so I will download this one ASAP.
    1 person likes this.
  13. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    nice map i love the clean interlocking. the design is very original
  14. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map and all. The interlocks are clean and there are many nice aesthetic touches. I can't say much until I've DL'd, but don't be too sure that you can't escape this map... (I'll check it out later).

    EDIT: After a quick forge-through, I've found that your map is very clean and would probably be fun to play on. I also discovered that it is possible to escape your map almost everywhere. There is only a small percentage of your map that is inescapable.

    #1. Fusion Coil- You can grenade-fusion coil jump out of this map.
    #2. Brute Shot- Well, the name explains it. Just 1 jump and 2 shots will break this map.
    #3. Corner Jump- Similar to the Butterfly Glitch/Sword Canceling in H2, this jump allows you and a partner to swiftly ascend any perfect corner.

    To prevent people (like me) from escaping, i would recommend just adding a small overhang to the top of the map. This should fix all quick escape routes. Removing the brute shot would also help in preventing players from escaping this map. The Brute shot is the most known method, while Grenade-Fusion jumping can kill you and Corner Jumping is not widely known.

    I hope this helps. Overall this is a good map = ).
    #14 Uc Gollum, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  15. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    This map has a nice look to it. The map also looks like it would have good gameplay.

    and.......inescapable..... That my good sir is a challenge

    BTW: i will try this without using grenades, explosions and equipment....etc. Which is the goal of the group im in....Featured Map Breakers Inc.

    :( sadface..... i could not find a way out of the map Without using explosives or the equipment. But if i had used these i saw a large amount of areas that would be very easy to break. When your making a map dont just fix areas you can jump to also think about the equipment, weapons and explosives so you cant use them to get out because it is very easy.

    Overall your map is not a failure in the breakablility but it is breakable
    #15 Mental, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  16. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    "You'll like my brown stuff" lol. Great backstory. This map looks great along with the catwalks added to the walls every once in a while, that helps it out. I haven't played on this map yet but is the ghost over powering or is it pretty simple to high jack it? 5/5 otherwise for the map, looks like it would play great and get some good BR fights.
  17. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Hey, awsome map 5/5 remindes me of reflex a little bit, but nice interlocking curved walls i like it. :) Keep Forging!

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