Im working on my map for the lazy forger contest, and I was wondering how I can make my warthog not move in its place. I tried putting a weapon holder and teleporter nod inside of the hog but it still could move. Any suggestions on how to make it not move without having a big wall placed over it or something that covers it up.
Putting the teleporter node won't work because you can't merge with vehicles. If it wasn't for the lazy map makers contest I would suggest geomerging walls into the floor as barricades. I have no real idea how you could do this, you might just have to surround it by fence walls.
Put down barricades and make them immovable by adding teleporters and weapon holders, otherwise, use fence walls.
Surround the warthog with dumpsters or barricades and make them immovable by using teleporters or weapon holders.
take a window panel and drop it on top... should hold it down... idk... kinda wondering It isn't lazy if your asking for help... thats proactive..