Opaque Shield doors. All the benefits of shield doors, without causing AS MANY stand-offs. Fence "Tunnels" Like double boxes made out of fence. How is this different from the existing Fence Box? You can place it and still be able to walk through it/in it. Nature Rocks, Boulders, Trees, bushes, grass, and most importantly WATER. A Pelican. I'm not writing a description, as I'm not sure how it would work, all I know is I wants a Pelican. "T" and "+" Shaped Open Boxes. Title says all, these are VERY necassary for some creations. Pre-Deployed equipment Trip mines that are set to trip, deployable covers that have been deployed. Combine this with instant respawn. It is win. Placeable aminals? I wants to put Ratz on my mapz! AND MORE FLAMETHROWERS! Any more ideas?
Opaque Shield doors. good idea. Fence "Tunnels" same. Nature A MUST A Pelican. It's been done in Halo 1 mods, not really that good for what we have now... "T" and "+" Shaped Open Boxes. I guess... Pre-Deployed equipment I want a room filled with power drains! Placeable aminals? Squirrels? Also, there are like 20 threads like this...
the open + shaped boxes would be great and nature would add a nice touch and make a good map look better they should add tree that you can jump into like on high ground by the water that would make a great spot for a sniper or something also if they added high grass so you could crouch and not be seen but bungie definetly needs to add some nature scenery to the forge options to make the maps more like the matchmaking maps
i thought of another item that would be cool and useful a single wall with a door hole cut out and a wall with a window cut out
Adding water just sounds extremely aggravating. The controls for that would be impossible, they're hard enough for placing solids. But I definitely think they should add toilets, how else is MC supposed to relieve himself?
I agree with Nate, water would probably just make everyone go crazy. Besides, most of the maps are relatively flat and there would be nowhere to contain it. Everything else sounds good though.