Most definetly BioShock, even though its quite difficult if your outta ammo against a big daddy on hard (thats me!) Capture Out!
I would have to say either assassins creed, but there's no good in replaying the game (like other people said), or GTA IV, or the orange box.
Bioshock. That is the best first person shooter. It scares the -blam!- out of you and messes with you head throughout the course of the game. Assassin's Creed was okay, but it was very repetitive in gameplay. Although I must admit, it had the best graphics. Army of Two is also a very playable shooter. You can customize many things about your characters and the shotgun/sub-machine gun combo beats just about everything.
Obviously Gta4. QUEBED anyone? no? How bout darts, bowling, pool, race, or just shooting the crap out of people.
I would have to say Grand Theft Auto IV has the most people playing the single player story I still do
I believe one of the best single playe campaigns would have to be iether A. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. B. Bioshock C.Assasins Creed. Just a few great games with some great storylines. My choice would Be Oblivion. I've spend literally hundreads of hours exploring in this non linear world. A lush filled enviornment filled with creatures and mytsical items! Just a real wonderful game, and I can't for the sequel.
What i heard gta had a good story and theres alot of replay value to that. oblivion and assassins creed are also good ones too.
Call of Duty 4 has a somewhat short single player campaign, but it is a pretty incredible experience nonetheless. Notable parts include one of the best stealth/sniper levels in all of gaming,and the end of the American missions (which was a pretty good WTF moment). Plus you can still play an incredible online multiplayer game if you feel like it. How can you beat that?
I just bought Ninja Gaiden 2. And i have to say that it is pretty amazing but it is a very hard game and since the original is alst one of the hardest games ever made i can only imagine how complex the final levels must be. But NG2 definetely a must buy for any fan of hyper-speed action.
first of all i hate bioshock, its confusing and really not that fun. anyway to answer your question, i think oblivion has the best story because you make it. smae with assasins creed although i've never played it.
Bioshock-errie spooky but no the less fun Mass Effect- awsome game with really nice universe full of cool stuff Half Life-Just plan rules Portals-Unique game fun to play
Elder Scrolls Oblivion is a good bet, but its not a patch on ES Morrowind, which you could get the Game of the Year edition (featuring the two expansions) for half the cost of a new 360 game (and can play on your 360). GTA4 is totally repetitive and lacklustre. But worth a look-in, simply cause of all the hype. Bioshock is a very elegant game, but i feel the replay value is nought, simply cause you can't die and there are specifically efficient ways of doing things that stop you being creative after a while. Mass Effect is excellent. Definitely worth the money if you have a heap of time to invest. Takes a little getting used to, but its BioWare, so its superb immediately. Viva Pinata is my top choice for single player goodness. Despite the fact its a kids game, once you get past that, its actually pretty deep, and theres an underlying strategy element that keeps you hooked. I love it.