Cradle is a completely symmertrical map, perfectly balanced for fun, intense, and smooth gameplay. all gametypes have been fixed and I hope you enjoy this map! Download Edited Screenshots: screenshot #1 screenshot #2 screenshot #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unedited screenshots (for non-LCD moniters): screenshot #1 screenshot #2 screenshot #3 screenshot #4 screenshot #5
Hey Ragdoll, the map looks pretty good from what I can see, but the screenshots are really blurry and dark for me. Can you get any better ones? Also, can you give a better description? How is this different form the other symmetrical maps out there?
They are blurry and dark because your not using an LCD moniter . I will post links to the unedited shots for you. As for the description you said "How is it different". That my friend is for you to find out. I do not feel that I can explain the uniqueness of my maps through words, it can only be found visually. EDIT: I will post direct links to all screenshots so they are not resized and blurry.
It looks good, but it seems like more of a show off of your editing skills Anyways, I can't really get a feel for the map with the SS given. Maybe you could take some over heads?
Your killin me smalls >_< But I will take more soon just for you :squirrel_wink: EDIT: two more screenshots added to unedited.
I have an LCD monitor, and the screens still look shitty to me... You should have just taken normal screenshots like everyone else so we can actually see your map. It looks like it has potential though. Also, can you embed your screenshots please, it makes it easier for the 'consumer' lol thx.
This map does not meet the expectations I would hold for any map. Unfortunatly I've got a case of the Foundrysitess, everythings starting to look the same. But I can tell you put an effort into making this map look good so I credit you for that. Embed those screenshots too. Thanks and good work.
Place and hold a weapon holder in any upside down anywhere, while holding it save changes and end the game. start the game back up and the weapon holder will be exactly where you held it. After that simply place the flamethrower near it and it will stay.
Hm... Cradle? As in James Bond. Is this a remake of the "Cradle" map from James Bond Goldeneye for the good old Nintendo 64?
Haha nah, I couldn't think of a good name so I named it after the Goldeneye map. Theres really is no connection, I just like how it sounds.^_^
Sorry for the bump and the double post, but the map has been updated with some scenery fixes and better weapon placement.