Modified 360s Intro: I Think there has been a thread like this before, but i'm not sure, so here we go. This thread is meant for showing your own modded 360s', or images of modded 360s' that you have found online. Requirements: The only thing you really have do do is the following- -State if you made it, or you found it online -Why you think its cool -Don't post more than 3 at a time -Rate the users above image -And finally, please, set it so your signature is disabled, so things don't get crowded. Also, you can post videos, and you must EMBED PICTURES, no links. and...POST! This is one i found on the internet, i think is awesome because half life is awesome
Okay so this is completely Off Topic, but I just think you should remane the thread to "Case Modded 360" and where you've said in the "Intro" about modded 360's, you should be specifying case mods. Just to make sure there isn't any confusion, seeing how hard/soft mods aren't really liked at FH =] Oh one other thing, I was the one that created a thread pretty much exactly the same as this. It was in Off Topic however =] And it lasted about a day. This has always been a fave of mine, simple but cool
1] I posted all those in the other thread 2] You didn't disable your sig... 3] Does anyone know how to read?I want the white Halo toy in this picture, so cool. I wish the armour in game looked like this, with the black lines being much more prominent between the coloured parts of armour. They also look thinner then in-game models. And yes, I realise they are from the Halo2 design =] Here's a cool glow in the dark case mod =D And here's how not to do a case mod... What an idiot xD