This map just reinforces you know what you are doing in forge, everything looks neat and in order. This map stands out and just seems new and innovative. I can't wait to play it.
Thank you BruteCaptain. Squidhands...I'll have a map coming (2v2:3v3) that could use your gametype expertise. I'll PM you. It is much, MUCH better than the others.
this map looks good at first glance. i was just wondering where you found those Foundry blank white blueprints, just so i could use them.
ok I really need to know how did you generate that floor plan? well anyway this looks like a pretty cool map
Very nice and flowing map. Seems to have pretty good game dynamics. Works well with just about everything tried on it. The layout of the map was very helpful and a very nice touch to your thread. Weapon layout seems pretty bullet proof from noobs. Most of the fighting seems to go on down in the lower level while the upper levels have longer range fights. It looks very nice and well thought out and everything fits together and it just seem to flow. Very nice job on this map. Happy forging.
Suggestion: alot of weapons on this map...which is great, but foundry is generally a small to medium size map, so in this case the number of weapons can be overwhelming, try taking out some weapons, think carefully about how you want the map to be played and then place the weapons, and you dont need two of everything, try placing power weapons also here are some good tuts on how to place stuff, along with general forging stuff dont mean any dissrespect
wow looks incrediblke and im sure nemi is gunn a say the same thing gety interlocking and well what everyone else says
youve got a really nice looking map here.... It looks like youve put a lot of time and planning for it! ( foundry Designer) Great work! I really like the center peice it gives it a sort of aesthetic touch! Peace!