For me, it seems assault is a bad word in the game, so I can't us it (without blam!). because of the ass in front of ault. Is it just me, a select few, or everyone. Also, can or will it be fixed?
If you use words bungie has already used for names (Assault, High Ground, VIP), those words get censored. Dumb, I know.
ASSault. Kind of rediculous. I can see why they blocked out bungie though "LIEK OH EM GEE THIS MAP WAS MADE BAI BUNGIE DOWNLAOD NOW PHOR REKAWN!!!1!!1!!11!ONE11!1!"
It’s kind of funny, because I caught on to this when I was saving a picture and used the default description. When I tried to put it in my share it won’t it let me because of the default description, lol.