**V2 Update!** Grunts & Brutes - A Gametype

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jake Pajamas, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Grunts & Brutes V2
    (Purple denotes V2 Change/Fix or an update in Gametype description)
    A Gametype :viral:

    So how many times have you played infection where the zombies are fast, high-flying, and weilding swords? Well not anymore! Grunts & Brutes is a unique infection gametype that is sure to spell fun and excitement!

    The Gametype

    Inspired by the Halo 3 creatures themselves, Grunts & Brutes pits - you guessed it - Grunts vs. Brutes in an epic battle for survival. In the game the Grunts (zombies) use their trusty plasma pistol and lighter build to attack their Brute superiors (humans), demeaning them to a point where the Brutes must become Grunts themselves. Brutes in the meantime have to defend themselves with the powerful Brute Shot while not being hindered by their own bulk. If the Brutes can survive the constant Grunt attacks, they will arise victorious.

    The Details

    At the beginning of the game, the party is divided up 50/50. Half become Grunts while the other half become Brutes. Brutes and Grunts are chosen randomly. There are 4 rounds with each lasting 5 minutes, designed such that each person has had an equal time as both a Grunt and a Brute.

    Maps don't have vehicles or weapons.


    Zombie Kills +1
    Infection Kills +3 (As the Brutes are harder to kill)
    Last Man Standing +0
    Betrayal, Suicide -1

    Grunt (Zombie) Settings
    • Orange, waypoint visible to Allies​
    • 90% Damage Resistance​
    • Plasma Pistol w/ Inf. Ammo​
    • Moves at 110% of Normal speed, Normal Gravity​
    • 25m Enhanced Sensors​
    In short, the Grunts are relatively weak but a little more agile than their Brute counterparts.​

    Head Grunt (Alpha Zombie) Settings

    • Red, waypoint visible to Allies
    • Does 110% of normal damage.
    • 75m Enhanced Sensor
    • Otherwise, same as normal Grunts.
    The Alpha Zombie isn't anything special per se, it is simply to spice up the gametype. The red color is supposed to signify a higher rank. The boost in damage allows for some strategy when attacking Brutes.

    Brutes (Human) Settings
    • Black, No Waypoint
    • Normal Resistance and Sheild, but Sheilds recharge at half the Normal Speed.
    • Brute Shot w/ Inf. Ammo
    • Moves at 75% of Normal Speed, Experience 150% of Normal Gravity
    • 25m Sensor, can only see Allies
    Brutes are more powerful than the weaker Grunt minions, but they do move slower than them. This creates a balance of power and speed. In addition, Brutes don't have waypoints or a great Sensor making it a little harder to coordinate and work together.

    Last Man Standing Settings
    • Gold, Waypoint visible to All
    • Does 110% of normal damage.
    • Moves at 90% Normal Speed
    • 25m Normal Sensor
    Again, as with the Alpha Zombie, last man standing doesn't get anything too fancy. The gold color is again an indication of rank, it takes skill to be the last man! Some minor adjustments to speed and sensors could give this final Brute the edge he or she needs to pull through, but it's mostly just to add flavor to the gametype.

    A nice thing about this game variant is that it doesn't require any special map for it to be played on. In fact, it can be played on almost any map! While forged ones in foundry are acceptable, the maps that Bungie has already given us are great for this gametype. Your typical team slayer maps generally work well for this gametype. These include maps like Last Resort, The Pit, Standoff, High Ground, Rats Nest, Ghost Town, Blackout, and even Guardian.

    The gametype can accomodate parties anywhere from 4-16 people, but party sizes in the area of 8-12 typically bring about the best games.

    The gametype plays a lot like Team Slayer. Only the fact that one side can gain 'recruits' as I like to call it, obviously makes it different from your normal Team Slayer game.

    It may seem that Brutes would have a strong edge given their superior weapons, the 50/50 split of Grunts and Brutes at the start makes the match fairly even. Both sides will have to work together if they want success. It's very hard for Grunts to take down a Brute alone, but if they work together it isn't so difficult. On the flipside, one Brute can't suppress an army of Grunts by himself, he or she will need the support of his or her fellow team-mates if they don't want to fall victim to the Grunts and their pea-shooters.

    It's recommended that all players have mics for these strategies to be effect. It's also recommended that the party consists of mature players as this is a tactical game (basically no 10 year olds).

    At the start of the game, both sides should talk to their teams and formulate a plan. This is especially true for the Grunts. Some strategies that the Grunts can use would be flanking the enemy collectively on one side. Another effective is strategy is to agree on a player to attack together, then use that method to pick off the Brutes one by one. Remember: Grunts have infinite lives, when you're a Brute, you only live once.

    Brute strategies are a little different. Brutes aren't so much geared towards attacking as they are defending. A good strategy typically speaking is to huddle together in a base and have teams of two guard the entrances. Another strategy is to gain the highground and kill the Grunts below in a manner similar to the previous strategy.

    Tips & Hints

    • Don't pack too close together if your a Brute, friendly fire is enabled and you get splash damage from the Brute shots.
    • Remember Grunts: as weak as you may be with your plasma pistol, you can always assassinate for an instant kill!
    • Charging the plasma pistol does considerably more damage than a normal shot, but it does leave you without a method of attack for a few seconds. Use it wisely!
    • Brutes, it generally takes 3 well-aimed hits to kill a Grunt. However, 1 to 2 shots and a melee can result in an kill as well.
    • As with the plasma pistol charging, remember that the Brute shot has a lengthy reload time, make every shot count!
    • Grunts, remember that the Brutes have lower gravity than you, and as such you can access areas that they can't! Use this to your advantage.
    #1 Jake Pajamas, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2008
  2. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Don't really get what it is...
    Is it just like zombies? I can't tell with only that one picture.
    Maybe more pictures.
  3. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounda like an original idea, nice job, and its just a gametype, not a map, is there an actual place for gametypes here?
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Seems more like a mini game than a casual map.
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    It's a gametype, I'll edit and clarify that in the title.

    I don't know where to post gametypes and seeing as how it's a casual gametype, I thought casual maps would be a good place to put it.
  6. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    it looks cool, but why not make a map for it, and put a custom powerup that gives a brute jetpack for ten seconds (aka 75% gravity)?
  7. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    that would be, yea, you should map a map on foundry resembling one of the campaign maps,
  8. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Normally, I probably would, but half the point of the gametype is that it doesn't need it's own map. You can use any of the maps Bungie has provided (I listed some recommended ones) and it should play fine.

    Plus, I'm in the middle of a different map project and don't want to take time away from that to build a map that wouldn't really be necessary or even liked by everyone in the forgehub community.

    However, feel free to design your own map for the gametype! That's the beauty of just the gametype is that you don't have map-related limitations!
  9. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    umm you had one picture and the game was really bad i dont know what you are thinking come on you can do better so ya nice job
  10. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    there are no dowmloads for it, dont lie and say you played it
    1 person likes this.
  11. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    very original maybe this could become one of those forgehub standard gametypes so people could make maps for it.
  12. RANDY M47

    RANDY M47 Ancient
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    i would like more pictures
  13. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hopefully, it sounds pretty cool
  14. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    pretty original
  15. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    it looks like a good game type. The idea is great but to hard for the grunts even if they are weak. make the grunts have fuel rod's or needelers and make the brute stronger
  16. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    As a pimp named slickback said, how could you have played if you didn't download it? If you did play (somehow) and truly didn't like it, I would be glad to hear constructive criticism to make it a better game. Otherwise why do you have to be a **** with random flaming? When I played it with some people before they said it was interesting and fun.

    I'll work on that, check back for some updates in a day or two.

    Yeah the Grunts are supposed to be at a relative disadvantage because their, well, Grunts. The point is to show that going solo as a Grunt isn't going to be effective. You need to work as a team if you want to kill those Brutes.

    However, I will test it out with different weapon sets for Grunts and increased shields for the Brutes, though I'm a little concerned that might just turn into a reverse version of fatkid, and I've never been a particular fan of fatkid.
  17. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    To all the people asking for more picture:
    IT'S A GAMETYPE, not a map.
    Because there was no forging done, the only pictures he could get would be action shots, and action shots don't usually depict gameplay properly. So quityerbellyaching.
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    lol thanks kayaman.
  19. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Psssst! Try reading his post *conspiratorial wink*

    I like it! It's been a while since I've seen anyone post an Infection gametype that seemed interesting, fun and moderately fair (within the boundaries of not ruining the fun).

    I have often wondered about posting gametypes, because the purpose of the forum is maps. But some gametypes don't need specialist maps, and I would have thought a website like this would have at least a small gametypes section too, what with gametypes being at least half the fun.
  20. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very original!!! I would download but my list is full.

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