Operation instructions: Destroy the pallets, pick up gravlift, turn and deposit gravlift into slot, let chaos ensue. 2-10 players. This was the description for my updated version of System Zeta (should be releasing today). For some reason it kept getting censored. I'm sure nobody can see why. But upon further investigation, I find this: Operation instructions: Destroy the pallets, pick up gravlift, turn and deposit gravlift into slot, let chaos ensue. 2-10 players. Lol, it thought I was trying to say spick. Alright, I get that one, but there's another one I'm confused about. I'm also getting censored for the word "elevated", and I've tried dissecting this one but I'm still clueless. I know I can work around it, but I'd like to know what the hell bungie thinks is wrong with the word "elevated".
Racial slur for Spanish people. Like the N word. Xbox live has the worst censor. I never enter descriptions for my maps because most of the time it censors it.
I think it may be something to do with pallets, cause I tried a map with pallet in it's name and it didnt allow it...
I know, the censor blocks EVERYTHING! I tried making a screenshot be called "Bungie Member" for I went up against a flaming-helmeted recon guy in matchmaking once and it didn't let me.
You also cant type FFA so I have to type Free For All and use up a bunch of characters. I assume its because FA stands for Football Association, srsly dumb I have no idea what is wrong with elevator though
It's kinda ironic that bungie tries to censor everything, because whenever you go into matchmaking it's inevitable that you're gonna hear some jumbled mix of curse words and racial slurs. I don't think all those 10 year olds cursing on XBL learned it from reading vulgar map descriptions, it's more likely that they curse because other 10 year olds were cursing at them in matchmaking in the first place. The best analogy I can make to what bungie is doing: they're using a band-aid to mend a broken arm. Completely pointless and unnecessary.
My friend was working on his puzzle map and he didn't know what to name it so i told him to just put "puzzle" for now. Turns out its blocked too. =/
i have a funny censor story...well it is kind of funny and it is about xbox live not directly with bungie when i got my xbox live account my name was goatballs420 and after about a week they told me my name was innapropriate or whatever so i changed it to goatnuts420 and i have been fine for over a year now
Not really anything amazing, but I thought it was weird. ___________ Happened a few times, I save a new map, the name is okay. Yaaay. Then it says that the description is inappropriate, but it's the default foundry description.
"After the orbital elevator fell, supply warehouses sending munitions to space were soon abandoned. 4-12 players." Obviously, Bungie is sending subliminal messages in their own map descriptions, and must therefore censor themsleves to avoid public exposure.