Hi everyone, this is my first submission and really one of my first big maps. Its called (as seen in the title) Zombie Mansion and is an infection based map. The Story After an outbreak of a terrible virus many humans have soon become "infected" and began to attack local citizens. Characterized by this extreme speed these "zombies" have been terrorizing most of the area. A few remaining survivors take refuge in an abandoned mansion. After boarding up the doors they are only able to wait until one gets in. The mansion shown here... Gameplay The remaining survivors (the humans) start off inside the mansion heavily armed and ready to fight. They two known doorways have been blocked off with instant respawning pallets but these do not keep the zombies from getting in. The First floor of the mansion shown here. The door way shown here I then placed two barriers to avoid any quick sword lunges from the zombies. The first floor of the mansion has two entrances (blocked by instant respawning pallets) and the Following weapons Weapons: Assault Rifles Battle Rifle x1 Shotgunx2 Flamethrower x1 Grenades Firebomb Plasma Frags Equipment Trip Mine x2 As you climb up the stairs you will then reach the second floor. packed with more weapons than the first. Here you will use the gravity lifts to reach the top of the building and take any weapons you need. Weapons on the Second Floor Battle Rifle x 1 Magnums x2 SMGS x4 Shotgun x2 Grenades on the Second Floor Frags Firebombs There is also no equipment on the second floor. The zombies will spawn 360 degrees around the map coming in from any entrance the wish. If both entrances are covered they may use their powerful gravity hammers to jump up onto the top floor from dumpsters doors and other high items. The zombies have an increased speed of 150-200% (200% being the Alpha Zombie). They also have reduced gravity to help them jump higher with their gravity hammers. There are also 2 vehicles on the map and are the only thing faster than zombies.Mongooses. These can be used in pairs to fight against the zombies. The only problem is the zombies powerful gravity hammers. Thankfully the spawn points are designed so you will never have a zombie spawn very near to you (because of the attacker defender setting) so you just need to be a quick shooter and you can avoid any humiliating defeats. I tried to make this map as balanced as possible so please don't go to hard on me as in this is my first post and one of my first maps. (probably the 5th..) This map does feature merging as the floor took a long time to make and the mansion walls are merged as well. Zombie Mansion Zombie Mansion Gametype Please be nice and give my some constructive criticism!
This map looks okayish, but mansions and houses are made a lot, and there is nothing different about this one. You should have a roof on a map like this, but it doesn't really matter. 2.5/5
lol I figured that mansions are made a lot this was sort of an Idea I had (partly based on games like resident evil) so I don't find it hard to believe that it would be done a lot :\
Looks interesting, but I hope camping won't be a big issue. If the zombie is too weak, my friends won't show mercy. I'll give it a download though.
I played this once and hated it. The trip mines were really annoying and the zombies pretty much died as soon as they approached the house. There's so much more I could say. Sorry, but this is why I hate infection.
I really think you are exaggerating with the "the zombies pretty much died as soon as they approached the house" I've played this multiple times and that definitely wasn't an issue. How many people were you playing with? Since the only way they would die instantly is if you were only playing with like two people. Instead of just saying you hate it maybe I should change the initial zombie count? Sorry I just don't think thats good constructive critique as for CostlyAxis thanks I hope you enjoy it
i dont really like it that much, it looks very open, one of those maps where at one point the zombie will quit from frustration. it just looks like its unfair for zombies, two guys guards the door, then 3 on the top, 2 camping the stairs, the humans would never loose. and there is no roof and the rooms lack objects, what kind of mansion doesnt have things like furniture? all i see is a huge room with nothing in it. also, the doorway is really sloppy, just a bunch of pallets everywhere, that looks like the door took u 3 seconds of throwing pallets randomly...id give this 2/5, no offence, it just needs work
Again its not like I haven't tested it out on multiple occasions so just because it looks that way doesn't exactly mean it is. But I can see why you think that. A couple of things in favour of the zombies is there are not usually 8 people playing if there were we would set the initial zombie count to 2. Even so I have played as 1 zombie and the speed of the zombie allows for little preparation time. As for the lack of objects this was partly because I no longer had enough double boxes to make it bigger and I feel that the objects would end up bringing down the gameplay. Try and see it as a mansion in which humans made a makeshift fortress. Clear the furniture put up basic barriers and then maybe it makes more sense. Again the door maybe took 7 minutes in order to make it passable. Like I said its an instant respawning pallet so you can't just break through it you have to push it down. Its meant to slow you not block it off completely. Also its from a video of gameplay its more straight when it hasn't been pushed through trip mined etc? Anyway hope you take the time to read this thanks for the C+C
Cmon, another giant manison/house for infection? Can't you people think of anything else to make? JEEZ! The map looks good, and you interlocked well/
ouch I never figured there were that many XD again like i said I sort of based it off of resident evil XD Making the floor took FOREVER