If opening these wells would drop the cost of gas prices and other things, than I am all for opening them back up. But this will not happen until people are so fed up with the prices right now that we actually start to try and research new plausible sources of energy. This is because once we do start research up oil companies will lower prices to insure us there is no reason we need a different source of energy.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thats scares me, jesus Canada fighting America lulz. This is how it would be YouTube - Halo 3: Teabag Montage Seriously though, we have to worry about our economy first and foremost.
Check out the similarities with George Bush. Went to war for the sake of it, and possibly some oil on the side? It's scary how they link. Who really are the extremists?
WRONG, the environmental laws that are preventing us prom dilling were put into effect during the Carter administration, when oil was cheap and there was no reason to drill in America. Now, groups like the Sierra foundation, and the "NODOG" group are opposing the bans. Not Goerge Bush, in fact he has pushed for the bans to be lifted.
if Bush went to war for oil... why would he want it from our country? i mean lots of soldiers have died for that cause and you think your right lets just stop getting some from the middle east and let all those soldier die in vain! yep i'm really for digging oil here and letting the soldiers die in vain because we just stoped getting oil from the middle east! EVERYONE TURN OFF YOUR SIG!!!!!
i know little except for what my father tells me about the issue, except that people are arguing about oil prices, when such a massive supply is here, and if America harvested it, the world wide price would plummet as well. the unexpensive oil, my friends, or the dingo? when you fly in an airplane, and look out the window, do you see 6 and a half ours worth of city? i see mostly trees and grasslands. the world isnt that crouded.
Ive read many of these posts, and all im getting out of them is: Prices go up, and nobody knows why, so people dumber than bush blame him. Others just decide that we must be short of oil. Some think there are greedy middlemen that know we will buy it anyways
lol, wtf blue penguin... You do realize that if we drill here then the oil rigs wouldn't have to transport the oil over seas in which case less oil spills would occur. Next, why would we have to stop trading for oil just because we are drilling for more? We can export it too you know... Wow, so we don't drill because of soldiers dying... Ok, so we sent them to the middle east because of terrorism, what does that have to do with oil? Sure it may have changed, but why does drilling here mean we have to stop support over there? That is like working for money, lets say you are working to get $100 and find that you had $100 in your pocket all along. Why would you stop working, then you would just have extra... edit:sry it won't let me remove my sig now, accidentally pressed submit before clicking the box
coyote if you click "go advanced" you can still turn it off. I don't even know why this is a debate. Blue penguin, first you argue that animals die from oil transport, and so we shouldn't use our own oil. I we used our own, there would be little to no oil spills because its freaking closer. Duh? Then, you argue that all the soldiers will die in vain if we don't use other countries oil. Um, we went to war for terrorism. Do you happen to be the President or Prime Minister of an OPEC nation? That's what you're sounding like.