i am planning a ctf map on foundry right now it is going to have 4 buildings along a curved road. my hope for the map is to make each team use strategy to "capture the flag" not just one person running in alone to the enemy base. anyways... in one of the buildings i am planning to have 3 stories. the flag will be on the bottom floor in a room only accessable from the third floor by dropping down a "shoot". this room the flag will be in will have fence walls so players can put fire on any enemy trying to grab the flag. now im sure your wondering how to get out of the room with the flag my plan was to have to teleporters one headed towards each "base" i think if made correctly it could be really fun leave any comments or suggestions thx
i would love help but for some reason i lag in forge mode only in halo so i makes it tough to foge and lag at the same time thx though
two of the building are right near the bases to help defending your base and the other building looks right at the flag with a sniper
well all ideas are good ideas as long as the map is made well. this actually sounds good though. if u need help or testing my GT is bkbillsfan
Good idea but you should start the map with an unlimited budget glitched canvas map because 4 buildings will be costly.
You said "have to teleporters one headed towards each 'base'" Are you going for 4-team(Warlock- H2) multiflag or 2-team(standard) multiflag? If 2-flag (red and blue) multiflag, maybe each teleporter goes to each side. Left, Right, and Center. If 4-flag multiflag, each teleporter to a building (or towards each "base").
why dont you not use teleporters and make it 1 Flag. then make spawns going closer and closer to the flag. that way you can have it that your pushing farther and farther to get the flag, and if the defenders loose a certain area they fall back to the next building? great idea btw, if you need weapon balance id be glad to help
You can't have four flag multiflag. Boohoo. Anyways, this idea sounds very suspiciously close to something I posted a whiles ago. I guess people are just smart then. Since I liked this idea, I can help you with it. My GT is the same as my username, so just pop in a FR if you want.