A map kind of like D Day, where one team has to charge the defending team to retrieve the flag and bring it back to their own base. download here
Really hard to get a good feel for the map from three pics... If ANYone spams you w/ interlocking requests, PM me and I'll send them a very stern fax... JK But seriously, if they do just know you're not the first to get the hard end of that stick.
I think there have been a bit too many D-Day maps know but its a change to see one in foundry. I think the shield doors are a bit of an advantage for the defending team. Are there any weapon spawns? You do need to post more pictures so we can see more of the map as the presentation hugely affects how well it goes.
No, that is why you have to give us more pictures. The point of making a thread here is to convince us that this map is worth downloading, and that we aren't wasting our time. With two lines of text that tell us that this is a One-Flag recreation of D-day and 3 pictures, we don't get a feel for it. Therefore, it isn't worth the download. And in my experience, firebomb grenades with constantly exploding fusion coils make a laggy game (which isn't fun).
ya there are weapons on the defending wall and on the barriers so it forces the attackers to move forward more. also the attackers have a sniper on there wall and the explosives come all at the same time so you have time to run through w/o being touched ya i see what you mean, but the pics there are pretty much all the angles, if i were to put any more up it would be just the same. the map is pretty simple a big wall w/ a lil door at bottom middle for attacker to go through, or they can man cannon/grav lift over the wall and then theres the defenders wall
looks very hard for the attackers with the fusion coils, and the shield doors are a huge advantage, and maybe a little longer description would be nice.
thats the point that the attackers have a harder time, you play this map with 2 rounds thought so everyone gets to attack/defend
It looks okay, but again there are many d-day maps. I think that d-day maps should use a territories system though, because d-day was about starting the invasion on German Normandy. The USA and British then went around liberating everything from streets to death camps. Sooo CTF doesn't really fit the personality of d-day. Oh well, 3/5 (doesn't look all that great, and not original).
This looks very simple, and I bet many forgers could do this in twenty minutes. If you want to get ideas on how to make your maps more complex look at the featured maps. Also, don't think with foundry's objects. Think of an entire map and try to recreate that with foundry's objects. You might want to read forging 101 for more techniques too, because well... this didn't use any of them.