pretty cool map. seems kinda open/airy but its cool that it has a good height to it... also fix your sig, it's way too large.
Hey I was like quoted! I was reading some of the names and was like I doubt those are real people but then I saw me and I was like. ZOMG! I have seen this map before. But once again Good Job!
PLEASE, i completely agree you getting infracted for that, you know the rules, but OP" this map looks pretty nice i will DL
It is a little sloppy here and there and could be improved with interlocking. you could also flip those bridges and I agree with the yellow and squiddy "Yes I second squiddy. Also you should really avoid taking screenshots from forge, it isn't appealing to viewers to see all the spawn points, try to take a screenshot from a game video with no names or other player indicators in view unless it is an action shot. Otherwise this is a great post, solid map and detailed desription." sorry to be repetitive but you should really update your post, the map would look much better without those FUGLY spawn points...
No offense but it is a little sloppy with the bridges they arent connected fully and you should turn them around and fid something besides barrairas to use as cover theres so many it just looks bad. But i will DL and give it a try and get back to you on how it plays.