Hey guys I was just playing Call of Duty 4 and I was playing on 'showdown' and I was thinking wow! This map would be crazy fun to make on foundary and play on halo 3! SO i was just wondering if anyone wanted to get togethar with me to recreate Showdown on foundary? Im getting good vibes on this idea! I really think it can owrk out! Discuss here!
thats a cool idea. i would help, but i can only get on weekends. and on your sig. did you use photoshop? and if you did, did you just start with a base flipped image, create different slides with different ripple magnitudes, and then just link thenm together in an animation GIF? its a very well made sig, i like how the ripples are smaller towards the middle and increase near the edge. very nice effect.
Yea I can only go on weekends because of exams So lets see if we can get more people and then yeah ----------- Everyone asking me about my sig Muahahahahahah (pm me an image and ill do it for you ) PS> Thanks for the feedback!
well, i dont really want you to do it for me, i just want to know how in case i want to do it. i have photoshop and im fairly good with it. but if you want to keep it your own little secret, thats fine with me.
I basically did what you said, and to let you know its a long painful process but from the feedback you get its worth it! -- Back on topic!
alright. ill have to try it sometime. but about the map, send me a FR. i wouldnt mind helping you out.
ill help. 6 ppl is a lot, but it could be interesting with so many. a lot of knowledge in one map. GT: BKBillsFan send me a FR and a time when u want to do it
Man i dont wanna talk bout CoD4 i played it 5 days without playing halo 3 once now i *&@#!~ suck at halo 3 now but i'm getting better at a good rate though but i used to be WAY good
I spent my life getting my level 49 and i cant seem to get my 50 so I just forge around! Ive worked with 8 people before making a map so 6 should be doog as long as everyone co-operates and noone becomes a **** and deletes the whole map The concept of the map 'Showdown' should not be that difficult to recreate. -Top level -Courtyard in the middle -Tunnels running around the courtyard -Stairways at the back of the 'square' that go to the top level Think of it this way. A big square with a border about 10ft. inside. and another smaller square as the courtyard. We can have tunnels under the border(2nd floor) and stairways that are out of the border area that go up to the second floor! This may be confusing but ill make a rough copy soon to let you know what Im thinking about.
hey, i love the idea. Im not up to helping right now, Im working on maps of my own, but good luck. I hope it turns out well
Alriht so far we have 3 people. Do we need more or not? Discuss ideas for the map . Bloc or Showdown (possibly both or a hybrid)