Akroplis BY: Samuel Blacks0n Story This old ware house was left to rot because the Covenant were on the move to this ware house. The UNSC came and liberated this ware house and changed it into traning grounds. Download here- Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Weapons- Shotgun 1 clip 180 sec (symmetrical only OS spawns asymmetrical) Sniper*2 1 clip 150 sec Battle rifel*2 1 clip 20 sec Covenant Carbine*2 2 clips 45 sec Spartan Lazer 150 sec Needler*2 1 clip 90 sec Machine gun turret no respawn Vehicles- Ghost Gernades Types- Frag Spike also there is 1 bubble shield and 2 regenerators Another Overlook Mancannons that lead to the top of the base Taking out the ghost me using the spartan lazer Shotgun spawn in the middle of the map(other wise it would be OS) Some battle This map supports Team games NOT infection of slayer/jugg Attackes get the ghost on there side while the deffenders get the spartan laser ok if there is anything if forgot or i need to fix please PM anytime
This looks good though some people might complain about the lack of interlocking (from what I can tell from the pictures). Use some interlocking for your next map or maybe a V2 of this map.
Now I see, and I can tell you also geomerged, nice. I will give you a 4/5. And here is a tip for clean interlocking: Put two double walls next to one of the objects and the start a new round and then put the other object between the two objects.
thanks as you might see im not the BEST interlocked but i can merge items with map geometry pretty good
Try not to say warehouse three times in two sentences next time. But apart from that, it's a decent map. Some of the geomerging and interlocking is a bit sloppy, but that doesn't really take away from the feel of the map while you're playing it. However, you may want to edit that note in your post to say that the map supports "asymmetrical" team games, otherwise there would be a balance issue and the map wouldn't perform well because one side has the advantage in a supposedly equal gametype.
i like it it looks really well made and fun to play on i will def dnld and check it out so ya nice job
This map looks pretty good, its hard to tell that you interlocked but I see it. I like how you merged that fence wall with the floor in the 3rd pic.
wow, is this a try at a slightly different version of American's Acropolis? the name, some features such as barrier pillars, the geomerged open boxes... o well. i'll just ignore that and grade the map on what i think. let me first off say that some of your geomerging is good, but the rest of it is VERY crooked, work on your consistency and put all your time into it, that way you dont end up with crooked boxes. next, i see you interlocked in some parts, but other parts you didnt interlock where you really should have, such as the 2nd pic... those two double boxes should be interlocked for a smoother walk. but the rest of the map is fine. RECAP take a little more time when forging to make sure everything is straight and NOT crooked. also be sure to interlock surfaces that people walk on so that it is a smooth walk with absolutely no bump.
Barrier pillars do not belong to one map. Geomerging does not belong to one map. Think that out, just wow.
in the ctf we had some spawn issues going on but only at the start. other than that it is really smooth and inventive. gj 8/10