it was 4 in the morning and i didnt want to, also read former posts....i didnt know how to interlock, but it still haz 1000+dlds =]
I understand there are limitations to making a COD4 map in foundry, you hit it right on in some spots but missed completely in others I think.
well, yea i no, but i couldnt fit it all, but thats not all this map is, its not all about how acurate a remake it is but how fun the map is right?
yea it resembles well it looks pretty good but itd be impossible to make the tunnel system from it and foundery is just way to small until Bungie releases a new forging map well werer bumed
if i had more money i couldve geo-merged the two ways into the ground and used the tunnels in the back
Very nice. I think I'll d/l if just to get a better view of it. I can't see the resemblance, but it's prob'ly because Foundry maps look a lot alike, and CoD maps definitely lose something in translation. I'm also downloading it because I like Pipeline, but that's besides the point. Oh, and there is a way to make the ladders feel more laddery (fake words ftw), but I can't see them fitting too well, given Pipeline's layout.
This looks like a great map, and very accurate remake. I will come back with a review after a playtest. <q'd>
Ok, I'm going to address all of you giving this map high ratings: Have you played the map? No? Oh I didn't think so. A friend of mine downloaded this map and put it on, IT IS AWFUL. The aesthetics are really bad, and once you get the shotgun/sniper you have total control of the map, and you can literally walk right out of the map. I can't give it anything more then 2/5 at max. All I'm saying is, if this map were made and published in December it would be acceptable but right now this map pales in comparison to other maps. Nice try, but please try again.
After playing CoD4 for awhile, I can say that this Map is alot like Pipeline, and the 'sprint' spots are normally where I sprint as well.
well then kayman, i dont really care WHAT you think, or honestly anyone else here, because this map has been in my fileshare since like, the day foundry came out....which i dont think there was interlocking at that time, and if there was, i didt know about it, but if i did, then because it was ****ing 4 in the goddam morning, i was probably too ****ing lazy to start a new i have had a lot of good reviews for this map, and who the ****ing CARES ABOUT HOW IT LOOKS, IT MATTERS ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY
Calm down there, it's a great map but some people like maps that are both pleasing for the eyes as well as the gameplay. It's definitely the best pipeline re-make that I've seen and I'm sure others agree (even with the lack of interlocking). Coming from a guy who re-made a CoD4 map, I think this is spectacular.
I could only resemble the center as part of COD4. But hey I understand that the items are completely diffrent from COD4 and Halo3.