Tributary Created by Pun15h3r Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Capture the Flag Map Description The map is made up of two bases in opposite corners, a bridge in the center, a river that you can go in(With a sunken ship), and rocky areas. The map is very small, so I would recommend 2 to 6 players. 8 is a little chaotic, and I wouldnt even try 16, but it is supported. In the center of the bridge, a rocket with 2 bullets spawns. It does not respawn. Later in the game, a Brute Shot spawns in its place, and it does respawn throughout the game. Under the bridge, a Shotgun with one clip spawns, and has a long respawn time set. On the opposite ends of the river a bubble shield and a flare can be found. In the "sunken ship" there is a Sentinel Beam (2 minute respawn) . A BR and a Carbine can be found in each base, along with some spike grenades. Throughout the map, 2 more BR's, SMGs, Plasma Rifles, And Magnums can be found. In each small (Very small!) tunnel a needler is placed, and in the rocks on each side, there is a fire grenade. So a quick rundown of weapons and equipment: Magnums-4 Battle Rifles- 4 Carbines-2 Plasma Rifles-2 Needlers-2 Spikers-2 SMGs-2 Rockets- 1 (Never respawnm One Clip) Brute Shot -1 (Spawns later in game inplace of Rockets) Shotguun- 1 (1 clip, long respawn) Sentinel Beam- 1 (2 minute respawn) Firebombs-2 (45 sec. respawn) Spike Nades- 8 (30 sec respawn) Bubble Shield-1 Flare-1 No Maulers Grenades are set to 30 second respawn (Fire=45) so its not too chaotic. BR's have slightly increased respawn time to put more focus on duals. FFA Not recommended, designed for team games Pics _________________________________________________ Blue base Red Base Rocks Bridge Overview Overview 2 Red base Blue Base Rocks Red base side (Blue is Same) Inside Ship Outside ship in the river Shotgun spawn, and a view of the waterfall Flare Spawn (Under water) Bubble spawn (Also Underwater) Waterfall Action Shots (GIF) ________________________________________________ A special thank to Ford Calvin for suggestions and testing Download map Here! All comments, critique, and constructive criticism are welcome!
Very nice interlocking and merging. this map looks very well built it looks very original and like it be alot of fun to pla on. but i do think under the water couldve used a little work
you should take out the rockets or you can change the respawn rate to never. This is a very small map and even if it only has two shots it still can be over powering. 4/5
What exactly could be improved underwater? Thank you for your comment I made the gif too fast XD Might take a while to fix it Sorry Guys!
I slowed em down, it'll be fixed in a couple of minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience! The rockets never respawn
Pros: Interlocking is sicknasty Sunken ship is original and cool looking Cool "rocks" Cons: Looks a little messy Bad weapon placement- Ex. Look at your 3rd pic. There is a mauler, needler, smg, and spiker, as well as spike grenades, all within 5 feet of eachother! Water couldve been made better. In all, the pros balance out the cons. This map gets a 3/5 for me. Its not bad, just not the best.
Like you said, looks like close combat is your best bet on this map. The map looks appealing and I'll give it a look; just need to remember to delete some old content.
You should post pics of any updates or at least describe them in your post because otherwise people are gonna think false things about your map (ex. it has maulers).
It looks like you did a good job of sticking to the theme of the map, however im unsure as to how playable this map looks. With the mass amount of shield doors and boxes merged all over the place, its as if you were trying to show off that you knew how to merge. Now i know you arent doing that, im just stating that i think something more basic and less "random" would be more playable. It does look nice though. 2/5
what can i say i love it the interlocking asthetics scenery and especially the ridges omg. great job and keep up the good work
This map looks very original, it sort of reminds me of a old Halo map but I can't remember it's name but it looks a bit messy. Maybe make V2 that is cleaner.
Are you thinking of Battle Creek? Im thinking of making a map similar to this, but it wont be done anytime soon. Im going on vacation