Multiplayer only. 1.Overkill-The way i did this was basically useing the sword to catch people with no sheilds off guard the easiest to map to do this acheivment is Epitaph.Note getting this acheivment not only earns you triple kill but if you do it with a sword you get steppin razor! 2.Tripple kill-The way i did this was using the barrels on Guardian i shot the barrels and it killed 2 people and then one guy was one shot so i shot him in the face.Another way is to use grav hammer by the lift as that and the center are hotspots for killing. 3.Maybe next time buddy-What i did here was delibratley waited in a ghost (on snowbound)one guy came up to me and stupidly borded me instead of shooting me out.NOTE if you dont find someone as stupid as this drive over to them and hover around them until they lach onto you.As soon as they do that hold down LB an make a run for the ghost if you miss you have a whole 10 seconds to try again. 4.Two for one-For some people the hardest FFA acheivment.You will find that the spartan lazer actually can spread as in like a lightsaber when it swings.I can really help much with this but its easiest on snowbound.If you cant there's always people willing to cheat for it 5.Killing frenzy-How i did this was on the pit,first off i got the shotgun i the proceeded to the flag spawn for some reason all the battles were taking place there i hid on the inside part and picked off the people who were on low-sheild.If this fails alternitavley you can go camp in the sword spawn thats also a hot killing place. 6.Steppin razor.I did this on snowbound swords it went through the shotgun tunnells killing whoever was on one shot or unaware of me i would say this is a fairly easy one to get but thats my advice OR you could just cheat and change your account to japanese You will get the achievments, but whatever achievements you get, will display to you in Japanese forever more. Your friends can read them in english, but not you. To fix this, delete your acct, and recover it again. If theres any missing i will be happy to update. I hope this helps.Goodluck O i did write this myself and i spent ages on it lol
Oh, I didn't know that it stayed in japanese until you deleted it... I thought most people changed language to portugese or something. Nice guide!
ye a nice guid to bad i found it now when iv recently got 1000 but still i c what you r saying, good job
Sir, I believe I am sensing some jealousy here. I think you are jealous because you do not contain all the achievements for the popular Microsoft xbox 360 game Halo 3, created by bungie. It is okay if you do not hold all of the achievements at the moment. Don't get mad, Get Glad!
Why would he be jealous about some stupid achievements? But it's an alright guide. The hardest is Mongoose Mowdown.