I want to present two easter eggs that can only be found outside multiplayer maps, a cool screenshot that I made with a glitch, another cool pic outside a mamp, and an unrelated picture. Here is a picture of a bungie employe on a satellite outside of Standoff. Enjoyz Vay-K This one is outside of Stand off, and is a very well known picture but still I toke it in HD and hopefully somebody can decipher it. Da Vinchi Now this is the awsome screenshot that is the signiture of my power! (rawr) Me and Myselves This is the other cool pic that I toke outside of the pit. PS the mountain actually has a back side. Go figure. Mt. Kilimonjaro This is completely random. (but funny) I hope to whomever this may concern like the pics. Chuck Norrised Approved
that isnt the pit it looks like foundry but can u tell me how to find the others is the da vinchi one fake?
Mt Kilimonjaro IS the pit, it's outside of it. There is a tutorial on how to get outside the maps on youtube. I can describe it briefly. 1.)Delete ALL respawn points, then put on outside the death barrier, save, and quit. 2.)Then play the map you saved, and if it works you die instantly. 3.)Go to theater mode, play it through a death or two, restart the film and press Y. You should be outside the map.:squirrel_chatting: With this you can find the easter eggs. The bungie employer is in STANDOFF on all of the SATELLITES in the distance from the map. The Da vinchi thing is infront of one of those tall pillars in Sandtrap that surround the map. It should be the one that is opposite of where the sun is. That's a guess, but if you search infront of the pillars up on the top of them, you should find it. Hope this help
Your Da Vinchi picture, I can sorta explain. Those 'Eggs' are basically corrupt map files. The lettering on them is the bitmap for the font used. As for the spherical shape, not sure, but that's the result of default modeling.
i didnt know there was a mountain outside of the pit @.@ im gonna check that out now! btw nice screenshots.