Discription: Yes this map is very small, what you see in the pics is the entire map. My clan THE LOST BOYS(TLB) are pretty good but we arent the best with a BR. So one of the clans we faced gave us a map that had two walkways. You spawn with a br and what you would do is strafe left to right back and forth and shoot eachother. It is pretty good practice. It helped us out a lot. Though there map was no where near forge hub standards the walls were crooked and there was no interlocking. And you could escape the map. So my clan member rooster1028 and i have remade the map. so all in all it is a one on one training course for the br. In the gametype you also have a sniper( not for crouching in the corner and using the scope but to practice no-scoping) you also have grenade regeneration for practicing sticking. Also the original had flat walkways but in game you wont be on just flat ground so i had in-dents and ummm... out-dents in the walkway so its a little more close to a normal map. In case you were wondering i got the original from Heavens Leagend which is his xbox live gamertag. You could give him credit for the idea though the only similarities between the two is the two walkways and the idea of practicing with br. here are the pics enjoy. Overview: Middle: Hope you guys download and enjoy it. Now get practicing...lol DOWNLOAD MAP: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=41942766 GAMEYPE: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=41942773
It loks good and would allow good practice. but I do not believe it belongs in the 'Competative' forum. Maybe it does and I am wrong, but I see this as more of a mini-game or casual map.
some times if your jumping and shooting you might fall down there so a put some boxes nd crates and what not so you can get back up. and looked to blank and boring when it was empty.