Four amazing floating forts, filled with powerful and hidden passages. Each fort has its weak and strong points. A hidden sentinal beam is waiting within each fortress. On each fort there is a vehicle either a wathog gauss or a banshee. Within each fortress there is an arsenal of powerful weopons such as the sniper rifle, spartin laser, rocket lancher, ect... There are many secret passages to receive a missle pod or an energy sword to take out that annoyiing rival quickly and without being seen. In this map watch your back and front because someone will be coming for you. An birds eye view of the four fortresses A fort being attacked ooooooo what did he find? HEAD SHOT Hidden Spartin Laser Down Load l l \ l / v : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Thank you for looking at my map, please post a review and comment about any advice P.S. this is my first forge hub post P.P.S. the game is slayer
This idea has been made a thousand times. Plus your platforms looks completely random without much thought put into them. They are also placed in a sloppy manner. Better luck next time.
i have to agree im afraid try refinig your map after reading this also the save and quit method will help you float things more accurately{place your box bridge etc where you want then without letting go save and quit}but seriously read this and checkout some other maps and well done for posting right first time
Thx guys this is my first map I ever map and it was made a while ago when i was a private so i got much better; my next post will be much better.