We all know about the blue fence box, and some of us have seen things like red walls. But how does this happen? Can we manipulate the light somehow to change all items to a certain color?
I'm pretty sure its due to an overload of items in the same place. Although, you can change a box's color with lighting
Well yea, i can do it, but only in like 1 spot on foundry, but can we do it anywhere else is what im asking.
That happened to me once! I got a blue fence box! It was maddd weird. Also, Theres a way to get a completely black warthog.
I've gotten a few different types of boxes to change colors, I've even seen a blue warthog...it's all about the lighting in very specific locations of Foundry... Though, I thought to myself the same question, could we manipulate Foundry's lighting to make an entirely blue map? That would be nice, instead of having all green/grey all the time.
Nooks&Crannies 2 has a blue box. And I know exactly how I did it, too. But I'm not telling until a few days/weeks or so after I release it. You know, for that novelty factor. But don't waste your time trying to make something blue, since there're only two spots I know of that actually result in blue-ness.
Yea, there is 2 that can be done on that wall. I was messing around with that spot, and i got a bright double box with purple-red on the bottom, it was sweet. This is what i have so far