I don't get why people play this game. Does someone have some reasoning behind what makes it such a popular gametype? Because right now it seems like this: "Let's see how long the cop can take to shoot us! Or perhaps we can assassinate him and get this game over more quickly!"
Personnally, I despise Cops and Robbers. Somehow, every game I join is always playing it. Its just stoopid! And half the time you have to depend on stupid honor rules and URGGG it just makes me so mad!
If people play cops and robbers, they might as well play some game where every person has a different role and can't do something another person can. In other words: Honor rules suck. __________________________________ On the other hand, if you have a good group of people, honor rule games can be fun, but you usually have a bad party.
I hate cops and robbers... It seems like every other infection game is a stupid cops and robbers game. Honor rules suck, They just play it so they can feel in control. Do what I say or I am going to make you go into deathcam! Yha thats lots of fun...
I have figured out a way to make it fun (at least as fun as revenge is). When you get an asshole cop (someone who shoots you for no reason), wait until your the cop. Then shoot him and let everyone else run free for ten minutes.
That game is a disgrace. And it is always the little kids asking for party leader so they can play their super-awesome cops and robbers maps. Blagh.
Just a few minutes ago, I went into a cops and robber, instantly forgot it was cops and robbers, and shot everyone I saw. Now that’s fun! Those games are so pointless, yet the only thing I see my friends and recant players play. What a shame.
My point was that it is all the little children who play this on Halo. Its just plain stupid, and think about it, the games don't even resemble the good old (real) cops and robbers we played as kids.
Actually I do enjoy Cops and Robbers but most of the times when i join a custom game where they're playing it, the host is usually an idiot and plays some crappy map. But if you have a good map and a good strict host who knows how to keep a party under control, it can be loads of fun. I've hosted many cops and robbers and if you know how to control the game, its awesome. (Especially with Friends) You have to work as a team in order to kill the cop, and when you succeed its an awesome feeling. And when you fail, its hilarious. I think what you guys are talking about for most of the part is maps where you spawn in the jailcells, and for the most part, those maps aren't great, but I've colleceted many good C&R maps where its very balanced between the C&R. If you don't have the patience to play the way its meant to be played it won't be fun. But in any game there are people who teamkill and such and get booted, just boot the people who don't follow the rules.
Well if people actually follow the rules it can be fun.But 99% of the time its like waht you said.The robbers just want to kill the cop while the cop shoots every person in sight.
i enjoy cops and robbers. its probably not that fun of a game cause the cops shoot the robbers, or the robbers shoot the cops just because most of them probably dont know the rules on how to play the game. thats why its fun just to play with friends that know the game.
yeah, when the cop is a retard, its is a waste of time, but when people actually want to follow the rules, it can be really fun, all you guys that dont like are just people playing dumb old competitive gmes all day and never want to actually have fun