
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by D00medcrusader, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. D00medcrusader

    D00medcrusader Ancient
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    D00medcrusader Presents: Descalation

    Map Layout

    This map has 4 floors
    1.The underground
    2.The bases/some walkaways
    3.the middle line of the map
    4.The top of the sniper towers

    The sight of view is taken from base B

    i will now explain a bit over these floors

    Floor 1:The underground

    On the corners on the left there are stand 2 bases (which are floor 2)
    there is 1 big stairs leading to the base around the base there is an
    small path around it where you can walk. on the back of the base there are 2 creates which can be used as barrier or to get on the base. if you go near the middle left part there is an grav lift which will lead to an small platform on floor 2. if you go near to the tough middle there is an open double box going to the base an going to the near middle of the underground where the rocket launcher is then if you go a bit more to the right there is an bridge which will lead to floor 2 of the middle. if you go the the corner on the right side there is a nbridge leading to floor 2 whit an barrier made of an other bridge if you go further to the middle (not to far) there is an fence. if you go to the middle right part there is an health generator whit a defend of the barriers also there is an ghost on each base.

    Floor 2:The bases/some walkaways

    ok on the left corners of floor 2 there is an base whit so small defends. there is a bubble shield and 2 weapons on this base and if you go the the right of the base there is a cannon which will shoot you to the middle or to the other side of the map (depends on how far you are standing from the cannon) if you further to the middle of the left part there is an bridge leading to floor 3 and if you go a bit more to the middle there is an small platform where you get by going in the grav lift on this platform is an shotgun and you can go to the other side. if you go a bit more to the middle of floor 2 there is a medium platform above the rocket launcher there are 3 small hallways going near the platform of the shotgun there is a power drainer and a lift which will take you to the middle of floor 3 also there is an way to go the corners of floor 2. if you go more to the corners there is an platform whit a tower in the middle where you can walk around then if you go to the middle right part there is an overshield also there is an very small part which is the gap of floor 3 you can jump here if you are near the bridges which lead to floor 2 it has 2 creates so you can jump back to floor 3 and it has an radar jammer.

    Floor 3:the middle line of the map

    Floor 3 is the middle line of the map you can get here by the bridges on the base or by the gap of floor 3 on the left there is an platform made of fence boxes (under it is the shotgun) then there is an single box on the left of the whit the invisible power up on it. if you got to the right there is an squarish platform whit an hole in the middle
    (here is the lift from floor 2) this platform has some barrier and 4 weapons (2 kinds) then if you go more to the right you have to jump cause of the gap on floor 3 if your then on the right part of floor 3 there is an sniper and 2 bridges leading to the sniper towers

    Floor 4: the sniper towers

    There isn't much to say about this it has the size of an single box
    and its open so you can snipe clear but your also very vulnerable.

    Some minor things:
    in the middle the boxes fly 1 wall high i did this on purpose it adds some extra gameplay
    like bouncing a grenade to the other side or throwing the radar jammer under it so no one
    can destroy it. also the ghost cant go to the middle of floor 1 (where the rocket launcher is)
    i did this so the ghost wouldn't be to overpower (it can come every where expect here).

    Weapon/equipment layout:

    The weapon layout is very balances there 3 power weapons: The shotgun ,Rocket launcher and the Sniper rifle

    The shotgun is on the left of floor 2
    The rocket launcher is on the middle of floor 1
    The sniper rifle is on the right of floor 3

    The rest of the weapons are equal shared on the map

    The equipment: 2 bubble shield,1 radar jammer,1 health generator

    1 bubble shield at each base on floor 2
    the radar jammer is on the middle of floor 2
    and the health generator is on the right of floor 1

    Weapons/grenades on the map:

    8x Battle rifle
    1x Shotgun
    1x Sniper
    2x SMG
    4x Spiker
    2x magnum
    4x Plasma rifle
    2x needler
    1x brute shotgun
    1x rocker launcher
    8x plasmade grenades


    This map is playable for all regular and costum game types


    This map can be played for 2-10 people
    it can be more but it will get a chaos then (which isn't always bad)

    Some pictures of the map (some pictures are before the update):

    This is the cannon on the base
    This is the right corner of the map
    This is an overview of the middle of the map
    a other view of the middle
    Last overview of the middle
    here you can see the grav lift wich lead to the shotgun platform
    Here you can see the bridges of the bases leading to the middle
    Here you can see the middle of floor 1
    Here you can see a base

    Updates before i posted this map:
    -Removed spike grenades from the map so theres only 2 type of grenades
    -Added a dumpster near the Shotgun platform on floor 1 (changes the game play a bit)
    -Added Base colors (camo/overshield for blue/red)

    Download Descalation
    ok that's it i hope you guys will like the map
    any suggestion will be welcome.
    hope you will like the map!
  2. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a interesting map. Sounds like a very interesting map. I'll give it a look after I'm done resting. Great Job Bro
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Worth a DL. I like the open boxes with the mancannons in them andthe multifloor part. Nice discription too.
  4. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    its good and you used some interlocking. ill give you some rep for that.
  5. D00medcrusader

    D00medcrusader Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well most of the map is interlocked
    but some parts like the sniper towers which is made of 2 single
    boxes didn't need intelocking because you don't walk on it.

    for the one above whit the description (who said it its nice)

    Thank you.
    its one of the hardest things for me to make the description
    1. im not really an writer (at least in the start im not when i begin i cant stop)
    2. my English isn't that good.

    and for the first comment
    Thank for saying it looks nice i worked hard on it
  6. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
    Senior Member

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    an excellent map well thought and looks very thought out and also aesthetic look great like the gravlift with the doors.
  7. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great but it seems bumpy and open! nice interlocking though and love the man cannon thing! =] i like using mancannons 3.9/5
  8. D00medcrusader

    D00medcrusader Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well its not bumpy
    i made it as Smooth as i could (only small bumpy part is the open double box part floor 2)

    and only the corners are really very open because els the ghost would be undriveable.

    But thanks anyway also if you have suggestions.
    there always welcome!
  9. swiftarget1983

    swiftarget1983 Ancient
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    Nice map, althought in some parts it looks sloppy, atleast you used interlocking. I'll give a D/L when i come back home, gotta go out in a min >.<

  10. D00medcrusader

    D00medcrusader Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok this is the second time im getting the sloppy thing
    its not that i hate hearing this but
    can you actually say what is sloppy?
    so i could improve it.
  11. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a good map, there is a lot of interlockning. Qued. Will come back after a playthough
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I don't really see what this map was designed for specifically or what it plays best. I can see maybe slayer but it's really big for a FFA match and 2-10 players!? 1 on 1 looks like a lot of running around looking for each other for a long time. A 5 on 5 team game looks alright but again it looks to big for that. How much of Foundry did you use? All of it? All but the back tunnel area?
  13. T Burner693

    T Burner693 Ancient
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    This map looks intresting. You have my Dl for sure
  14. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks very nice, my only problem is the large amout of barriers. I'm sure you could substitute an immobile cover peice. Other than that, pretty good. 4/5,
  15. D00medcrusader

    D00medcrusader Ancient
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    What do you mean?

    For the one whit the question how much of foundry did i use
    i used what most people use i use the squire part and i blocked
    of the 2 side ways
  16. hellokitty

    hellokitty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map plays very well 5/5
  17. Jdub360

    Jdub360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty cool ill check it out
  18. hellokitty

    hellokitty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hope you liked it i atleast did

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