this map has a manually opened door and an elevator, it is played best with team slayer (teams of at least 3) and free for-all This map is very fun and brngs a ton of intense gameplay. I have played both recommended gametypes and it is VERY good and the 3 different levels bring unlimited fun. This map consists of... 7 br's (i think) 4 smg's 2 spikers 2 assault rifles 1 carbine 1 rocket 1 beam rifle 1 sniper rifle 1 shotgun 1 needler 1 brute shot _______________ 1 trip mine 1 bubble shield overview of entire map bottom floor second floor third floor elevator (takes you to the third floor) powerup-gravlift-elevator door (opens when you throw the grav lift to the right or left and you walk through on the opposite side) portable gravlift-dumpster-door LINK TO MAP Featured here on H3 Artificers
its pretty fun to play on, if you ever played halo 2 lockout its kinda like that with the elevator, someone goes up, and you throw nades in, then boom! stuck bitchzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I wouldn't say like Lockout, but it's very original. Seems like a good playable map. Reminds me of Halo 1 style... hmm... 4/5
thanks man, and btw the whole lockout thing is only a memory i had when i was playing this i was on the third floor and my friend goes up the elavator and i spin, chuck a plasma croos the map into the shft and stuck him b4 he got to the top, i did that alot on lockout was all
I like Competitive maps that introduce opening doors and elevators. I'd like to see more of these, excellent job!
I like this map it looks like a fun arena slayer map but you need more cover and weapons i will def dnld so ya nice job
I may be wrong but i am pretty sure I have seen this map before. Did you repost it or steal it form someone? Just wondering its not anything bad, just I seen it before and didn't know.
Nice dl check out the link in my signature and get free Microsoft points and more fast and easy. plz
Looks pretty good. Although I think there should be a bit more cover, especially on the upper floors.
This is the third well executed competitive map with switches that I have found. One of the other two is my map and I cannot quite remember the third. Another 5/5 pmp! Edit: The other one was Pallet Parade. How could I forget that one?
I don't really see why this is in Casual maps. You should probably post it in compettitive. The map looks decent and like it'd be pretty fun to play. The forging is a tad sloppy in some parts, but that's fine. Solid map. Btw, change the name of your thread to just the name of the map.