Download Here The Box Every time I say the box I want to make the bum bum buuum sound that is indicating evil continuing. This map is a cornucopia of pain--mostly because of this; you spawn in a box, and it's a short battle of winner-takes-all sort of thing where the beginning-brawl takes about ten seconds and the battle's over. Meanwhile it's the host's ability to end the game whenever he wants because everyone other than the winner spawns outside the map. Thus killing them. I would change it into a tournament-style map by adding one spawn inside the map but right now my xbox has the three red rings of death and i'm sending it back. So for now I will decree it The Most Annoying Map In The World! One last thing, when people start to annoy me in my party I turn my mike off and play this map. (They quit before too long) Have fun--or not.
umm, this isnt really the best map i hav seen. From your 1 picture, you don't seem to have much forging skill, prove me wrong if you want but all you've done is got out of the map. It's nothing that special. Where are the weapons? Spawn issues? only 2 players? c'mon, im sure your better at forge than that
lol supports up to 12 players and i made it because my friend was making a map and i was messing around and he told me i was being annoying so I continued and i have better maps
from the description and picture (notice no "s"), It looks like all you have done is put starting/respawn points in the crane room. That doesn't really constitute a map.
This isn't a map. You put spawn points in the crane area. Congratulations. Please try harder on something before you post it.
all i see is one pic of a guy shooting on foundry. it doesnt even look like there is anything to the map. 1/10
This is kind of wierd, why would you post a map that is bound to be hated? You said you hate it yourself...
A blank canvas map is considered a map. this is no different. and obliviously its for kicks and giggles >_> (!)_(!) well done at making the most annoying map ^_^ 10/10 FOR that award. as a map IMO? 0/10 needs more teleporter. could send them to rooms where cats eat them. ///wait no cats in foundry\\ ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a building maybe? lol. and yes. i did dl this map
***moved to casual*** This reminds me of my map, "The Can," but I actually put some effort in actually making my map. I will ba locking this thread if people continue to spam here.
oh..... um i is not happy about peeps hatin on my map--please don't. PS I'll take constructive critcism
i dont understand, is it one person spawns on the crane thing and has to kill the other players from the crane room.