Hey, Im OberoN. I've been making maps for 4 years now in several different games. I'm pretty good at what I do. I figured I'd join FH to better advertise my maps (which are sick), and maybe download some others. Hope to impress you guys. Happy to join finally. My gamertag is: x OberoN x Link to File Share: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share (Just in case anyone wants to see how I forge.)
Hola, bienvenido a ForgeHub. Espero que disfruten su estancia aquí. Asegúrate de leer todos los hilos útiles acerca de la creación y publicación de mapas. Me gustaría ver un trabajo excelente de pronto. I know spanish, so ha.
*Cough* Showoff *Cough* lol jk cips, Welcome to forgehub tho, just obay the rules and you'll be fine, and if you want to post a map, please read how to do it before you get flamed