Backwater Download here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing Decription- A greatly designed two based map with flying mongoose transportation. Both bases are set up differently giving each side its own unique feel and different advantages. Gametype- This map can be played on any gametype but would be expecially good for Capture the Flag or Assult. Transportation- The only way to get from base to base is to drive a mongoose through a man cannon right into the other base. The man cannons are positioned perfectly so mongooses can make it and human players cannot. If players try to go through it they are pushed down into an open middle ready to be hunted by anyone. If you fall to the middle each base has a way to get back into it. Bases- Both bases were completely designed by 2 different people. To make things even each base has the same weapons and grenades with the same amount on both sides. Map Creators- Acid Mailbox and Bunch of Towels Download here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing
It's an interesting idea, but I would like to see some more pics of inside the bases and perhaps a demonstration of successful landings by mongooses (mongeese?) before i download.
It's not very interesting. Just seems like stacked boxes with a few mancannons to ride a mongoose through. There really isn't any point. 1.5/5
Wow i dont really like this map i am sorry but it looks really stupid to play the mongoose thing is preaty bad so ya nice job
Nice dl check out the link in my signature and get free Microsoft points and more fast and easy. plz
All Im seeing in this tread, is a sum of members ganging up on some poor guy because his map isn't on completely filled in. Give him a chance dammit! I don't care if you think it looks bad or it looks bland. Just give it a download before you judge it. Im -repping and reporting a few of you for being unsupportive. This forum isn't for making the ultimate map, it's for sharing a forger's creations in an accepting environment, and the majority of the community can't seem to get that.
Honestly, It looks terrible The concept is ok, but you should have put some more effort into the map 1/5 Edit: Sorry if I was being a bit harsh. I suggest you fill in the map a little more, and show some pics inside the base
The man cannons have never screwed up unless something happens like your hit in mid air by a rocket or something also it is set up so u can splatter people on landing